Don’t fret: Second year will be as good as your first
Fresher than freshers
So your first year at UEA has probably been a blur of bunny-catching, Mantra toilet friendships and awkward naked encounters with your cleaner – and quite frankly, it’s been bloody fantastic.
But as you sit at home over summer wiping tears with your freshers’ network t-shirt, cast away those post-fresher blues because second year really is as good (promise).
Still ‘avin it large in second year
You’ll leave the UEA bubble
In first year you can go for literally weeks without leaving campus, and UEA begins to feel like that residential trip you took to an activity camp at primary school. Activities include climbing the ziggurat stairs, diving across the LCR stage and orienbeering your way to a friend of a friend’s acquaintance’s pre-drinks.
The thought of the 10 minute walk from Paston to Thomas Paine might as well have been Lands End to John O’Groats, especially when they’ve only given you until 3.10pm to get there.
only in first year…
Second year really brings out your inner David Attenborough, as the move out of campus encourages you to explore Norwich and its surrounding towns and delve into the inner psyche of the “local”.
Whether it’s cramming your housemates in your KA for a beach day at Cromer or a post- LCR Sunday spoons, second year encourages you to venture further than the Union Shop and Cafe Direct.
You’ll actually get decent appliances…
The emergence of a washing machine and oven in your second year house should by no means be understated.
Okay, we’re not Michelin Star chefs at UEA, but our culinary abilities do stretch beyond pot noodles and ready meals.
The omission of an oven from our student kitchen led to many a disgruntled email in first year to maintenance, with attached pictures of ruined pizzas and annihilated chicken, all of which suffered a similar fate in the UEA food crematoriums, aka. the 1950s microwaves.
At least they eventually listened.
…including an actual washing machine
You will breathe a massive sigh of relief when you no longer have to take on the marathon of circuit laundry.
The annoying minimum £5 top ups, forgetting to write down your code when you go to the machine, or worse still, having 5p short of a cycle after you’ve put all your washing in the machine AND dropped a sock by the door.
It seems I’m not alone…
That’s not to mention the competition for machines fiercer than PMB and St Paddy’s tickets (I’m surprised machine slots haven’t started going on the ticket exchange page) and ‘They-who-must-not-be-named’ – the hooligans who think it’s acceptable to leave their washing in the machines longer than their degree.
In second year you can look forward to a washing machine that is nearly always free and the opportunity to finally cook a meal your mum would be vaguely proud of.
You’ll finally have found your feet
First year is like a year long speed networking event – everyone is sussing each other out and working out who makes it into their squad.
Remember that ‘bezzie 4 lyf’ you met in freshers’ week on Prince of Wales, cheesy chips in hand, then completely blanked in the LCR by the time January came?
Second year is all the drunkenness, but with less of the awkwardness.
By the time September comes around you’ll stride into A-list like you own the place, have your Unio coffee order down to a tee and know exactly which annoying, whingey drunks to avoid on a night out (if you don’t know one it’s probably you).
So don’t worry, soon to be ex-freshers. UEA is wonderful in your second year too.