We went back to Pedro’s after Sombrerogate

Everyone who eats there is a racist

Following Sombrerogate, The Tab went down to the tex-mex restaurant to see how they have been recovering.

The first thing we noticed were the infamous sombreros – there must have been a load left over from the freshers’ fair because they were everywhere. On the sides of every table, lined up above the bar, on every wall and on every customer’s head.

It’s clear Pedros have not at all been phased by the Union’s decision to deem sombreros “racist” – and customers haven’t been phased either. Every seat at every table was taken on Friday night and there was a huge queue for cocktails.

Manager Matthew Ward said: “The amount of customers we have had since Freshers’ Week has been about the same to be honest.”

In fact, Pedro’s have gained considerable support, with some diehard fans wearing sombreros around campus as a statement of protest against the Union’s decision.

Matthew responded by saying: “If they want to celebrate the Mexican culture, I can’t stop them.”

They have also gained support on their Facebook page, with their pictures of sombreros and other related posts getting liked into the hundreds.

Who can blame them? The food was great, the atmosphere even better and everyone was really enjoying their evening.

Pedro’s Facebook post after the incident said they are “Just a small restaurant trying to make a living and make our customers happy.”

This certainly rings true, as everyone spent the evening with sombreros on their heads and smiles on their faces.