Fresher beats 5p bag charge by taking suitcase to every weekly shop
He’s already saved six quid
The new 5p plastic bag charge has shaken the nation. Adults everywhere can be seen arguing with cashiers, their humiliated children watching on.
If you get plastic bags every time you shop it’ll end up costing a fortune – 30 “bags for life” later and you’ve spent the equivalent of a double vodka. Tragic.
Fear no longer, good citizens of the UK. Here at UEA, one intrepid shopper has come up with a solution.
We owe it all to Sam Berner, modern day pioneer and first year Economics with Accounting student.
Sam, modelling his innovation
18-year-old Sam said: “At first it was just a joke. I didn’t think I’d really go through with it, but everyone was saying how good of an idea it was and sent me packing.
“I can fit about £80 worth of food in my suitcase but it depends if you go for the upmarket noodles or the Tesco Value cardboard.”
Sam added: “I think the staff think I’ve just got back from holiday, it’s not until I get to the cash register and open an empty suitcase that I get shocked stares.
“Some people don’t watch where they’re going because they stare at me, lacking their case, and start accidentally hitting other customers with their trolleys.”
Although the 5p charge is a huge factor, there are other reasons to take your suitcase to the shops.
It prevents bags splitting and revealing your dinosaur-shaped ham to the world, not to mention the horrific pain of razor sharp shopping bag handles slicing your hands and arms on the long walk back home.
For those concerned with their social status if seen lugging a suitcase round the shops, Sam said: “Would you rather have two achey arms and be an extra couple of quid out of pocket from plastic bags or wheel around a suitcase for a bit?
“So far I’ve saved around £6 in shopping bags.”
It’s already becoming common knowledge
You’re welcome, England.