UEA’s BNOC of the year: Nominations are open

Nominate your mates now

It’s the end of the year, coursework deadlines are approaching, the exams are almost over, so now it’s time to nominate your BNOC of the year.

You know that friend who can’t even go to Unio without bumping into everyone they know, the one who somehow manages to be at every big night out and has joined every society.

Whoever you’re thinking of right now we want to know about them.

Last year’s winner, Gerald

We are looking to find the BNOC of the year and we need you to nominate who you think it should be.

Have you got a crazy friend who is outrageous in the LCR? Nominate them.

Do you think your sports captain deserves to be the BNOC of the year? Nominate them.

Do you have a favourite Union officer? Nominate them.

Or maybe you think you are the best BNOC and want to put yourself forward.

We don’t care who it is, we just want to know them.

If you know someone who is worthy of this award, we want you to tell us. Nominate them using the form below.

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