Meet the UEA fresher with the best social costumes on campus
If you haven’t dressed up as a Rubix Cube for an LCR night you’re failing at life
Emily Bourne, first year History student and member of Woman’s Rugby, has been gaining BNOC status around campus for her amazing DIY costumes on Rugby Socials and LCR nights.
Continuing her campus domination as Rugby’s new Social Sec and working at the SU, EmBo tells of her messiest Uni nights and the inspiration behind her costumes.
Where it all began
“It all pretty much started at Rugby welcome drinks when we all met at the square and I did my rendition of It Wasn’t Me, and it went from there really.
“I can do all of it so it’s kind of my party trick, and they get me singing it at every social. It’s becoming a bit of a regular now so I think I need to learn a new rap now I’ve finished exams and have all this free time on my hands.”
The costumes
“I think people would know me for my costumes. I’ve made quite a few for socials- it’s the best form of procrastination. I make most of my costumes out of cardboard because its just so much cheaper.”
“My Rubix Cube outfit has probably been my favourite, but I’m also pretty proud of my Big Ben costume. I always like to think outside of the box for the themes. My Big Ben outfit was for an initial party, but I’ve also dressed as a Tardis for a Fiction and Fantasy theme and a dragon as part of a Dragon VS Drag Queens social.”
Emily’s favourite nights out
“I love LCR nights but Mojo’s is always the place to go every Wednesday. It’s where dreams are made! It’s so much fun and probably where most of my messiest nights have happened this year.
“I just buy drinks for everyone- one night I spent £70 there! I blame contactless and hate myself for it in the morning. I’ve gotta be pretty careful of my overdraft now exams are done, with all the free time and day drinking.”
What’s next for EmBo?
“I’ve probably got to be a bit more serious next year and at the end of the day I am here to do my degree, but I sometimes forget that – I feel like I should’ve done costume design or just done rugby.”
“Rugby’s a massive part of my time. It’s like made my first year. It’s been such a sick year and tour was amazing. I think everyone should join a sports team. I spend pretty much all my time with them because they’re the best people and it’s a guaranteed night out and place to pre. Especially as me and my best mate Joely are Social Secs next year, so it might be getting messy.”