We want you to write for The Tab Norwich
All the reasons you should write for the biggest student news network in the world
You’ve probably seen our stories in your Facebook news feed, but now it’s your turn to help decide those clubbers of the week. We’re probably biased, but here’s our reasons as to why you should write for us this semester…
Past writers have gone on to majorly exciting jobs
Bobbie Edsor was an editor at The Tab Norwich throughout her time at UEA and is now working at Business Insider:
"Writing for the Tab at uni is hands down the best thing you can do to kickstart a career in the media business. Not only does it teach you important skills and hands-on practice, but it opens you up to a huge network of former Tab writers that could help you out throughout your career. Also, writing for the Tab consistently is infinitely more impressive to future employers than a week’s work experience at a publication, as it shows initiative and a great, self-motivating work ethic. Basically, it’s hands-down the best career-based decision you can make while at uni.
Your stories may end up on national news
A lot of the stuff we write about here at The Tab comes from breaking news from students. The Tab Norwich has been the first to report on events that have later been picked up on by major news outlets – stories such as 'Sombrero-gate', 'graduation hat throwing-gate' and the major uni data leak. Being a part of The Tab means that you will have all the contacts necessary in order to get the most breaking news out first, and who knows, it could even end up on telly.
You get to have stories YOU care about read by thousands on Facebook
The Tab Norwich is currently the 24th most read team in the country and has had over 4.5 million views in its time. Being a part of our team will mean that you get to write stories about things you care about and get them shared to our huge network, and if a story is big enough it can get shared nationally.
There's a chance to get paid
If you write an absolutely cracking story and it goes national, you can get paid for how many times a story gets shared.
The Tab's parties are legendary
There are annual Christmas and Summer parties held courtesy of The Tab to thank all of their writers and editors for contributing to the biggest source of student news in the country – with free booze and the best playlists, its a certainly the highlight of the year.
Lastly, the most important reason you should write for us this year is because we are a relaxed group of people who love getting you involved, but understand when workloads get tough. We all pitch in as much as we can, when we can, and celebrate with each other when a story pops. We want you to be a part of our incredible team to make 2018 our best year yet.
We're hosting an open meeting on the 30th from 16:00 to 17:00(ish) which will let you meet some of the team and find out some more about what the Tab is all about.