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Meet your UEA BNOC of 2018

You’ve been voting in your hundreds

With nearly 5,000 votes in the final, this was one of the biggest ever rounds of BNOC of the year here at UEA, and we can now reveal the winner, Henry Rowe.

Henry was nominated for several reasons, but most notably, for his super groovy MJ inspired moves and a freak pres injury which saw him having to take the rest of the year out.

Asked how he felt about being crowned 2018's BNOC, he said: "I’m honestly shocked that it even got this far and astounded with the number of votes I got.

"I do feel that winning this may have been due to a mass sympathy vote after everything I went through but regardless I’m just very happy and am looking forward to finally being back at UEA after taking the rest of last year out in November after my head injury."

To everyone who voted for him, he said: "Just a massive thank you really. If my theory of this all being a sympathy vote is true then it’s always nice to have some positive things come out of my head injury, VK on me?"

He's excited to get back to UEA and you might even get to see him on stage again: "I’ll be back on the committee for UEA Dance Squad and will be one of the social secretaries, so I’m looking forward to another year of dance! I may also reenter UEA’s Got Talent, but as part of a group this time, so watch this space!"

Massive congrats to Henry! If you fancy yourself as a bit of a BNOC then watch this space, as there's always 2019 (but we advise against getting any head injuries in the process).