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BREAKING: Pimp My Barrow has been CANCELLED

But only for this year

After weeks of students desperately waiting to hear the news… the UEA SU have announced that Pimp My Barrow 2019 is has been called off.

On their Facebook page they wrote: "We love what the event represents and the impact it has for the charity The Big C, but the event has grown to a size where in its current format it has become unsafe for you, our members."

They continued: "There is nothing more important to us than your safety in the events we run. It wouldn’t be possible for us as an organisation that runs the biggest licensed venue in the city to facilitate an event which has the potential to break so many of the rules which govern the way we must do business."

They continue to emphasise the safety of UEA students as they note that the University "support us in ensuring that we are putting the safety of our members first."

Image may contain: Tree, Vegetation, Face, Play Area, Playground, Play, Grass, Plant, Human, Person, Backyard, Nature, Yard, Outdoors

Students ready to leave for a fun day of PMB

One masters student told The Norwich Tab: "I like the carnival feeling of PMB, it’s something that’s special to UEA so it feels like we’re all part of a big crazy community."

Others noted there will undoubtedly be backlash from the students with one fourth year student stating: "There are going to be riots."

PMB is not lost forever. The SU did state that they "hope to be able to bring PMB back in 2020 when we’ve managed to iron out the problems."

For final years, it's a sad end to their UEA experience but it seems all in not lost for people continuing on next year.