Hotlist: Week two

We’re getting into the swing of things now

Othello @ The Oxford Playhouse

It’s Shakespeare, you know the drill – sex, jealousy, murder, tragedy, etc. Performed by theatre company, Frantic Assembly, who The Times deemed  ‘innovative and progressive’, so it must be worth a watch.

When: Tuesday – Saturday

Where: Oxford Playhouse

Details: Here

Functions on the Low @ Carbon

Oxford’s first student-run grime night promises to bring the noise. With an array of DJs and a weighty soundsystem this is not one to be missed.

When: Tuesday

Where: Carbon

Details: Here

Straight to Camera @ Modern Art Oxford

Modern Art Oxford probably doesn’t get as much of a look in on the Hotlist as it should do. We will rectify that. But in the meantime, head down and have a look at their latest exhibition of films presenting performances made for camera.

When: Thursday

Where: Modern Art Oxford

Details: Here

Bloody Knuckles Returns @ Carbon

Saunter on down to Carbon to once again celebrate the life and works of the late Frankie Knuckles with some old-school house and legal highs.

When: Thursday

Where: Carbon

Details: Here

The Cabinet of Dr Caligari @ Phoenix Picturehouse

Catering to the Cowley set’s insatiable desire for all things retro, the Picturehouse are running a season of vintage films every Sunday. Seen as one of the first ever horror films, The Cabinet of Dr Caligari will be enjoyed by film buffs and Cowley retro-maniacs alike.

When: Sunday

Where: Phoenix Picturehouse

Details: Here