Over 200 Sheffield students are hitchhiking to Edinburgh tomorrow for charity
It’s the biggest Baby Bummit ever
A record breaking 221 University of Sheffield students will take part in a charity hitchhike to Edinburgh tomorrow as part of the biggest Baby Bummit event to date.
In a week where many students are free from lectures and seminars, the hitchhikers will set off from the Students' Union at 7am, reaching Edinburgh tomorrow evening and staying in the city overnight, being rewarded for their efforts with a gourmet meal and a night out.
The event was in massive demand this year, with all 200 tickets selling out within the space of an hour.
This year's Baby Bummit is taking place in support of various good causes. These include Helen's Trust, a charity providing equipment and care for people with terminal illnesses who want to stay at home, HARC (Homeless and Rootless at Christmas) and the South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association.
Money is also being raised for Zest, which delivers training, employment and activities to adults and children across Sheffield, and the Sheffield Volunteering organisation which works across the city.
Previous participants have described how they are still in contact with their lifts, and some students even got a lift from Status Quo's tour bus.
Jessica, who took part in Bummit last year, said of the experience: "My only regret was not signing up in first year."
Each participant is raising £75 through Virgin Giving pages, which is totalled up and split between the charities. All in all, this year's event is set to raise an impressive £15,000 in total.
This is the sixteenth year of Bummit, and organisers are hoping to reach a grand total of £1 million this year.
Photos taken from the Bummit Facebook page