The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Just show a selfie of you outside the polling station to any Brewdog bar to claim it
We’ve got all the best outfits from the weekend – did you make the cut?
The Soton Tab’s got four Fiesta Loca tickets up for grabs
Want to be a part of the biggest student news site in Southampton?
Soton’s favourite cocktail bar is throwing a birthday party tonight – and you’re invited!
38% of our survey respondents considered themselves victims of sexual assault
The show will begin at Midnight tonight!
What do you mean the last bus home is at 11?
We caught up with the people behind Southampton’s first ever SCA week
Aren’t we all bored of listening to 90s pop repeats and the same old house remixes?
We want to know what you think, and how you use them
Anna Phillips was just 20 when she overdosed on illegal slimming pills
Thank god it’s over
We talked baking advice but mostly fangirled over him
We’re live in the Stag’s all night – keep refreshing to stay up to date with the latest from the US Election
They make life so much more delicious
Does everyone you know want to be with you?
After 70 per cent of students said they preferred the old union name
After the result of the All Student Vote were released this evening
Student Therapy Wednesdays for life
We collected advice from Soton’s biggest campus names
We’ve pulled together the coolest comfy-chic looks
We caught up with SUWRFC to find out what they’re all about
“OMG you are like, so pretty!”
You’ll probably end up packing it anyway
It’s Whatsoc Wednesday again!
We’ve teamed up with Sobar to kickstart your Freshers’ and say goodbye to the summer in style
The comedy stars will headline the “An Audience with…” events
Which club offers the best night out in Southampton?
We’ve got the lowdown on everything Irish Dance
Asthma could be “cured” by turning off the gene which causes it
8 local charities benefited from students’ donations
It’s Whatsoc Wednesday, and this week we met Southampton University’s Folk Music Society
In this week’s Whatsoc Wednesday we meet Southampton University’s Dog Sledding society
The 26-year-old was first reported missing on 15 June
The 26-year-old student went missing on Wednesday 15 June 2016
90% of research funding comes from the EU
Liam Day went missing yesterday
Three months away from uni? No thanks.
They won £1000 in the Yubl competition
The Union is sticking to the £32,000 rebrand despite student concerns.
‘I’m an English Literature student – I know waffling when I see it’
This is following the death of a father in February this year
Sorry Mum, this adult thing is harder than it looks
SPOILER ALERT: Some of it is pretty creepy
They won’t be working on key dates over the exam period
Make sure you Snapchat yourself in the library
He joins the set list alongside Clean Bandit and DJ Fresh
It’s hosting new and alternative artists
‘No one has forced you to be at this University’
When you’re broke af but need those luxury faves.
Top employers are fighting to get their hands on us
This film student is about as glam as they get.
Your dream of visiting may still come true
The Southampton alternative scene loses a major player.