EVA 2013: Election Video Awards
UPDATED AGAIN: Vote for your favourite!
Synchronised exercise routines, Rocky homages, appearances by Jennie Bond; last year’s election videos had it all.
This year’s crop may be a bit lighter on the celebrity cameos but there’s still plenty to enjoy/mock. If you can’t be bothered to read through a load of manifestos, these videos may help you decide who to vote for.
Hannah Is Macklemore
Suggesting the key to election success is how willing you are to take the piss out of yourself, Hannah dons a onesie, dances around the uni and “sings/raps” her own version of Macklemore’s Thrift Shop.
Clumsily rewriting the lyrics to the original, Hannah manages to make a song we already found annoying even worse. With over 1,000 views already though it’s clearly a winner even if it is missing a large, soulful black guy singing the hook.
Wins Award For: Most Profanity In A Campaign Video
Vote Rob Griffiths For UBU President
Presidential candidate Rob goes with a serious, heartfelt video rather than the more zany efforts of some of the others. He also, perhaps wisely, goes the animated route, ensuring we can’t laugh at him for how he looks (not that we’d ever do that).
The video is slick, professional and surprisingly not that dull. Tudor Morris, who made the video, deserves a great deal of credit not only for producing such a good-looking video but for coming up with a cartoon which actually met with Rob’s approval.
Wins Award For: Best Animated Film
Be Smart: Vote Amy Collis For VP Education
Not so much a campaign video as a photo slideshow set to half-decent music, this video won’t help educate you on any of Amy’s policies.
However, it does demonstrate how successful she is at getting drunk people in nightclubs to hold up posters and pose for blurry photos which is surely a skill worth having. Great tune too.
Wins Award For: Best Soundtrack
Vote Imogen Palmer For VP Activities
Proving rap and John Lennon do go together, Imogen speak-sings her manifesto whilst ‘Imagine’ plays in the background. There’s also lots of shots of her running around, presumably because at least one person each year has to make a Rocky reference.
Honestly, we’re not quite sure what the rap/Lennon/Rocky combination is meant to tell us (she’s a hippie underdog who grew up in a rough neighbourhood?) Also, random lion mask!
Wins Award For: Most Random Collection Of Stuff
Farooq Sabri – VP Education – Campaign Video
Thanks to everyone who got in touch to point out we’d forgotten to mention Farooq’s video, a chilling look into the life of an ordinary student, made all the more terrifying by a menacing backing track.
Perhaps even more worrying, the student the camera follows around appears to only eat one meal a day, goes to the ASS library but doesn’t do any work, and only manages 59 on an essay: an eerily accurate representation of the average arts student.
Wins Award For: Making Student Life Seem Unrelentingly Grim
Harlem Shaking Up Bristol Sport With Tabby
Tabby St Vincent hopes to grab your attention with this belated addition to the ranks of Bristol Harlem Shake videos. If you’re as fed up of the Baauer track as we are, then good news: you can turn the sound off and you won’t miss anything.
Given everyone alive has now made a Harlem Shake video (even the animal kingdom has joined in) this is hardly the most original effort. To be honest, we expected more from somebody who used to be in Gryffindor.
Wins Award For: Best Use Of Meme We’ve Grown To Hate
Vote Scott For VP Sport & Health
Okay, more videos keep coming out of the woodwork, and here’s another Sport & Health candidate dancing for your vote.
These guys can definitely move but the video doesn’t help tell us about any of Scott’s policies. Cool T-shirts though.
Wins Award For: Best Choreography
Vote For Your Favourite!
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