BNOC Of The Year: Semi-Final One

The final’s just one step away: who will make it?


The only student election you care about has entered it’s closing stages. Our list of BNOCs has been whittled down and now just a select few remain with a chance of claiming the (metaphorical) crown.

Today our first few social heavyweights slug it out for a place in the final. You have only 24 hours to vote, with the winner announced on Facebook and Twitter tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon.

Let’s remind ourselves what got these four BNOCs this far.

Dominic Harper

A different class

Edging out Jake Miller with 36% of the vote in the last round, Dominic Harper is probably Bristol’s most handsome man according to those who nominated him. He’s also secured a lucrative graduate job at Barclays Capital which led to him coining the hashtag #gotajob. Will this Barclays BNOC be getting your vote?

Spotted In The ASS

Vital to anyone who has ever been stuck in the ASS

In a few weeks, none of us will have to set foot in the ASS library ever again (or until October which is almost the same thing). Until then, there’s no better way to pass the time than a bit of ASS-spotting.

Martin Harper

A surprise late entry for the voice of the people

Entering the BNOC game late, it’s Martin Harper. If you’re a betting person, this is where to put your money.


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Voting closes 5pm Thursday. Winner will be announced on both Facebook and Twitter.