Bristol grad shows web how to do ‘chemo chic’
Beauty blog of Bristol grad battling cancer attracts over 100,000 readers
Wardrobe staples: the little black dress, the perfect jeans and, if you’re 23-year-old Laura Cannon, red boots that are bright and beautiful enough to distract from your bald head, freshly shaven in anticipation of more chemotherapy.
When Bristol Biology graduate Laura was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was encouraged by family and friends to take to the blogosphere to help her in her battle.
However, what started as an easy (and “definitely not…really lazy”) way to update her loved ones with her progress has become a source of hope and inspiration for thousands of cancer-sufferers.
In addition to quips about the evils of MRI scans and candid insights into the realities of surgery, ‘Laura Louise and her naughty disease’ offers countless tips on ‘chemo-chic’; deftly demonstrating that fighting the big C need not be unglamorous.
Tips include how to restore brows and lashes to their pre-chemo glory
Earlier this month, Laura won best newcomer at the Cosmo Blog Awards, having been nominated by her massive readership.
Despite her joy at winning, Laura wrote on her blog of her hopes that “One day no blogs like mine will be needed because someone will find a cure for this naughty disease,” adding, “but for now I will…continue to raise awareness”.
With news coming only yesterday that for more than a third of 13-24 year olds, diagnosis of cancer is delayed until they are forced to visit A&E, it seems that blogs like Laura’s may indeed prove vital in enhancing the recognition of cancer in young people.
Laura’s blog, featuring an abundance of beautiful bobble hats can be found at http://lauralouiseandhernaughtydisease.blogspot.co.uk/