Halloween Horror: human pile-up outside Pryzm
Students furious after huge crush outside the club “ruins” Halloween
There was carnage outside Pryzm on Thursday night, as over 1,500 people queuing in the cold were inexplicably denied entry to the club.
A crush outside the Harbourside venue, which was hosting student night “Bloody #guilty Halloween”, began after security suddenly stopped Halloween revellers entering the club a full half an hour before last entry.
Fights and pushing broke out, and the queue, which was reportedly up to 10 people wide, was only brought under control after police intervention.
Over a thousand people were unable to get into the club at all, while reports that the venue was “practically empty” inside further enraged students.
Photo @FletcherDan
Student Caroline Cooke told The Tab, “The police were pushing us around because so many people were trying to get in. It was like we were 12-year-old girls and One Direction were there.”
Others furiously tweeted Pryzm, with Ellie Murray writing, “Don’t be scared of giving me free drinks for life as part of my refund cause I never plan on going again #fuckpryzm”, and Emma Banerjee going for a succinct “bag of shite.”
Student Beth Twigger told The Tab, “Two of my friends had panic attacks, I saw multiple people almost getting trampled on, and I was forced head first into a pillar. It was a genuinely terrifying experience, but not the fun Halloween kind.
“Security did barely anything to help the people on the floor or control the pushing. I’m honestly surprised there were no serious injuries.”
Pryzm has not given any formal apology, and it is currently unclear as to whether disappointed students will be offered refunds.
The club was unavailable for comment at time of publication.
In a statement, Pryzm Bristol said, “The Guilty V Karma Halloween party was staged by a promoter, not the club, and proved to be an extremely popular event.
“We are really sorry that customers with tickets were not able to enter the club, following a decision by the police to disperse the queue.
“As a gesture of goodwill, we have been and will continue to offer a full refund to ticket holders . We work hard to ensure that PRYZM Bristol stages fantastic events and will ensure that lessons are learnt for the future.”