VOTE: Bristol’s Maddest Fresher

Who cares about the primaries in America? This is the election people are really interested in.

It’s the end of second term, we’ve all been at Bristol for at least six months now and let’s face it, we’re all getting a bit tired. Library sessions have taken over predrinks and Bunker has only one Monday night left. As exams draw closer and you reminisce over how much energy you had in first term, we ask you to cast your vote for who you think embodies the title “Bristol’s Maddest Fresher”

Just to remind you of the contenders:

Kerra Pringle

(Photo: Kit Bridge)

This Wills resident may not strike you as mad, but her clinical addiction to sports nights despite not attending any training sessions; her ability to blag free entry by pretending her grandfather invented Pringles and her ability to somehow end up in Cornwall after a night at Thekla might just change your mind


Rory Moss

If you’re impressed with Kerra’s ability to end up in Cornwall, Rory’s lonesome wanderings around Edinburgh on a sports trip might have you split on your vote. When not exploring beautiful Scottish towns in the middle of the night, Rory can be found swimming in frozen lakes, licking urinals or letting his friends shave his head. He’s been voted “liability of the year” by his team — does he have your vote?


Kayode Oganude

Kayode decided to celebrate his Christmas Law Ball by shouting at one of his lecturers whilst getting into a taxi. This might seem surprising to you but in Kayode’s words “I think I just piss a lot of people off when I’m drunk.” Getting kicked out of Lakota for stealing the toilet attendant’s lollipop might qualify him to be voted Maddest Fresher – what do you think?


Jasper Hughes

And the final nominee is Jasper Hughes. Small town boy dropped in the city, Jasper’s list of antics include shaving his head at the suggestion of his friend; chasing his flatmates out of the flat wielding chicken fat during a peaceful christmas meal and falling 50ft to the ground in a failed skydiving attempt. Does he have your vote?

[polldaddy poll=9339653]