Morning Rave – can you imagine anything more Bristol?

Shake Awake are hosting another 6:30 rave to get you energized for the day

Shake Awake are a Bristol-based group aiming to “revolutionise” your morning. This will be their 8th event and it’s in our very own Anson rooms at the Students’ Union.

What’s a morning rave? I hear you ask.

It’s a collection of energetic dance, Zumba, Aerobics, Yoga and Massage that will make you feel like you’re ready to start your day. People come dressed in the brightest, waviest clothes in their wardrobe, with fancy dress being particularly encouraged.

You wish you were having as much fun as this guy

But wait, there’s more! There will be smoothies and energy balls available; Vegsoc will be providing delicious breakfasts like Avocado on Toast (I told you this was very Bristol) and overnight raspberry oats and Propercorn is sponsoring the entire event.

If that’s not enough to get you out of bed in the morning I don’t know what is.

It’s green therefore it must be healthy

So instead of snoozing your alarm ten times next Friday before dragging yourself out of bed, chugging a pint of extra strong coffee and rolling into uni one minute before your lecture starts, try starting your day with a rave!

Head on down to the Anson rooms at 6:30 on Friday 2nd December. Everyone is welcome, come along for an hour or three – it’s completely casual and completely non-committal.

Tickets are available on their facebook page. They’re £6/£7 with a student discount (and you don’t even need a pesky NUS card)