Wavey garms aren’t cool anymore
You hear that Bristol
Bristol, home to the BBC studios, thousands of students and of course – wavey garms.
Unlike David Attenborough’s arduous and long-spent hours waiting for a glimpse of photographic evidence in the wild, the crazy nature of Bristol students’ clothes can be seen in abundance.
Ranging from the increasingly popular combination of camo shirts and orange jeans, to the fellow student in our seminars wearing clothes that only a 9am start or hangover would deem suitable, this hipster dress code has taken Bristol by storm.
Think back to Fresher’s week, it is very likely that your first realisation consisted of two parts: firstly, Park Street is comparable to Everest after your third night out in a row, secondly, your clothes are substandard for Bristol’s hipster atmosphere.
Following this revelation comes the ‘basic crisis’, with your wardrobe feeling mundane and definitely not very ‘Bristol’. How is it possible to go to a Thekla Thursday in anything but your waviest outfit, or god forbid – the Fleece?
Yet, I am calling on fellow Bristolians to return to their Freshers state, and ditch the wavey garms. No, I am not advocating you message your Fresher ‘best friend’ whose life story was revealed to you after two drinks at Lounge – avoid eye contact at all times. I am supporting the idea of handing over your wavey garms, and stepping back into the realm of fashionably acceptable attire.
But what if people are naturally ‘wavey’ and need freedom of expression? I am not disputing some people are naturally hipster, whether you live for the 80s or backpacking in Thailand has changed your world views, I understand some people are in fact indie.
Yet, this notion to wear the most acceptable version of the fashionably unacceptable must be tamed. How can this meet the desire to be ‘cool’ and unique if everyone is doing it, is this not counterproductive?
This lifestyle is hardly economical on a student budget either. Whilst these embodiments of self-expression may pass in Bristol, the same is probably untrue of your hometown. What will you take back to wear over the Christmas holidays? Will the rest of your student loan be blown on donning more ‘suitable’ clothes for back home?
The element of comfort is also important. Whilst I am sure the luminous colours of some wavey garms are enough of a statement within themselves, don’t forget that clothes are supposed to be comfortable. Whilst I’m sure florescent patterned baggy trouser do allow for more space, I doubt they preserve much warmth – and let’s be realistic, we are in England.
Whilst it is forever important to advocate the need for self-expression so too must a sense of perspective be given to the issue. The Fleece may warrant the wearing of wavey garms, but do ASSL and Tyndall Road need your most daring clothes?
Perhaps take the leap of faith and do the boldest thing possible with your wardrobe – return to your basic, inner-Fresher self.