Bristol student rent strike postponed until further notice

But they’ll be back

Last Friday we reported on a planned accommodation rent strike for first year Bristol students which needed 100 signatures to go forward.

Unfortunately the petition calling for action missed its target by only 3 signatures with 97 students agreeing to take part.

Bristol, Cut The Rent who started the campaign to lower Bristol’s accommodation prices has since released a statement:

“Last Friday almost 100 University of Bristol students signalled their willingness to rent strike in protest at the high rents charged by the University’s accommodation service and the marketisation of higher education. Rents have increased year after year, well beyond the rate of inflation, and it is self-evident that unless students take action, the university will continue its exclusionary rent setting policies.”

“The university’s decision to opt into the highly flawed Teaching Excellence Framework is further evidence of an institution detached from the student body, and willing to pile more debt onto its students, many of whom are already struggling to make ends meet.”

“The rent strike was postponed due to the pledge to rent strike falling 3 short of the 100 person goal targeted. This should not be seen as a negative, especially given the short period of time we have been campaigning. It has become clear that the persistent exploitation of the student population, through increased rents, rising tuition fees, and cuts to maintenance grants, has finally reached breaking point.”

“We now look forward to entering into what we hope will be a meaningful dialogue with the university but would like to make clear that unless our demands are met, the real threat of strike action will remain, such is the gravity of the situation.”