Bristol SU announce new £5 National Express ticket to London deal

Our prayers have been answered

Bristol students have been rejoicing at the news that regular trips back home to London will be a whole lot cheaper in the future.

This week Union Affairs Officer Stanford announced that until March 6th, Bristol SU will be selling tickets to London Victoria for £5 single and £10 return. The only place to buy them currently is in person at The Basket, just next to the Balloon Bar in the Richmond Building.

After March 6th, this offer will apply for all services between Monday to Thursday. Between Friday and Sunday, a single journey will cost £7 and a return will be £14. If you travel across the brackets, the cost of a return journey will be calculated appropriately. For example, if a student travels on a Monday and returns on a Saturday, the journey will cost £12.

At least an SU policy to win hearts and minds

For singles the offer applies only Bristol to London. London to Bristol singles are not for sale, with London to Bristol travel only in this flat rate as part of a return. Tickets need to be purchased at least three days in advance and coach cards cannot be used in conjunction with this offer. Currently this is only for routes to London Victoria but students can travel from either Bristol Queens Road or Bristol Coach Station with this rate.

In a statement, Stan Ford told The Tab: “The SU is exploring discounted routes to all London Airports from Bristol and vice versa. We are also exploring online functionality for this service – both of those are deliverable on the basis of usage of the deal, so the more students that buy tickets the more likely we are to be able to provide these services!”

“Tell ya friends, and buy buy buy I guess! I will reiterate that I am going to feedback to the SU that we should be exploring more similar deals as the response so far has been really positive!”