Local councillor says Bristol is ‘full of perverts’ and ‘disease riddled prostitutes from the local universities’

He also claims that Bristol has ‘dangerous looking foreigners’

A UKIP councillor has described Bristol as being full of "disease riddled prostitutes from the local universities", whilst commenting on Ben Stokes's trial.

Councillor Philip Winter's tweet was sent as a reply to BBC West Live's post where they claimed that the closing speeches had begun at Stokes's trial in Bristol Crown Court.

Winter's full tweet describes how Bristol is a "terribly awful City from evening onwards", and that Stokes was "silly going into Bristol in the first place".

The tweet in question

The tweet refers to Stokes's involvement in a street fight near Mbargo nightclub which occurred in September last year.

Winter took to Twitter to write that Stokes may be "innocent", and even "set up".

Winter's tweet follows an incident Ben Stokes was involved in last September

The UKIP councillor for Almondsbury Parish Council has recently been allowed back into the party following a six-month suspension after sending an offensive tweet.

The jury at Stokes's trial are set to start deliberations on Tuesday after Judge Peter Blair QC summed up the case today (Monday).