In defence of UWE: As told by a UoB student
Let’s face it, we’re just bitter UWE get to enjoy Love Saves The Day exam-stress free
We have Whiteladies Road, they have Gloucester Road.
We have Redland, they have Filton.
UWE (pronounced UUU-WEEE; number of ‘E’s depend on how much of a dickhead you want to sound) vs Bristol. One of the most ferocious rivalries in the country — or so we all like to think.
We're all united by bucket hats at Tokyo World
However, it is clear to see tensions are just that. We love to hate one another but have no issue rubbing shoulders at Tokyo World, shielding each other as we whip our keys out.
Put us in front of Sister Sledge and it becomes hard to distinguish which flare-wearers are UWE and which are UoB. So is there a point in perpetuating the rivalry?
Flares are just a part of the Bristol lifestyle tbh
Perhaps your ego needs a boost. Granted, it has served as a source of mockery and some interesting pillow talk. The supposed 'horror' of having to divulge to your flatmates that you brought a UWE student home — now looked down on as the modern-day Romeo and Juliet.
Stereotypes tell you to swallow your pride — accept that what UWE supposedly lack in intellect they make up for in the bedroom, and that UoB's A*AA entry requirements don’t come in handy here. But do either of these stereotypes actually make any sense? No.
Bristol may have a reputation as a forum for fighting prejudice, but when you are picking and choosing which prejudice you perpetuate and which you don’t; style over substance springs to mind.
Don't pick and choose your prejudices
Oh, isn’t it so stylish to believe in social equality and mobility? Yet, you don’t think twice when you’re heckling a UWE student for "only having a BTEC ", as overhead at BUCS. You want your Thatchers Gold to scream working class but you’re screaming privilege. The irony is getting kinda boring.
Take your university out of your Instagram bio. Enjoy your Thatchers Gold because you like the taste. Brag about your university because you worked hard to get there, not because it was the next stop on your middle-class train.