UoB’s female staff effectively working for free as of today

Bristol University’s gender pay gap amounts to 16.2 per cent

As of November 1, female staff at the University of Bristol effectively stop being paid for the rest of the year.

This is the result of the 16.2 per cent gender pay gap at the University of Bristol.

To mark the event, the University of Bristol UCU are hosting an evening of talks featuring speakers from the university, UCU as well as three poets.

The event hosted by University of Bristol UCU

One of the the speakers told The Tab: "We have a gender pay gap at the University because of the low proportion of women in senior positions at our University and the high proportion of women working at the lowest end of the payscale."

The female employee preceded to mention the ethnic pay gap, and how this affects BME women.

The University's Gender Pay Gap Report 2018 highlighted that 69 per cent of those in the university's lower hourly pay quartile were women, compared to only 41 per cent in the top quartile.

It should be noted that women make up 55 per cent of the workforce at the University of Bristol, and experience a median bonus pay gap of 6.7 per cent.

Hugh Brady, Vice-Chancellor for the University of Bristol, and Tracey Hooper, President of UCU, released a statement last month claiming that the both Bristol University and the UCU will be holding negotiations with the aim of reducing the gender pay gap within three years.

The statement concluded: "The University of Bristol agrees to provide leadership across and within schools and to commit resources, support and guidance to achieve this objective."

The statement released earlier this year

"It will also ensure that the University's strategic objectives include appropriate key performance indicators."

"Both the University and UCU are committed to implementing a jointly agreed action plan, and to monitoring and reviewing that plan together regularly to ensure we achieve our shared objective of eliminating the gender pay gap among academic staff at the University of Bristol."