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So it turns out only 13 UoB students were ever living in Newport

… what?

If you've been following the outrage on Bristruths since the start of term, you will have definitely heard that UoB asked the new student cohort to consider living in Newport and commuting, as the University had run out of accommodation.

The Bristol Tab has uncovered that in actual fact, only 13 students actually ended up in the 'West Village' accommodation block (I guess Wales is technically west?).

Of the original 13, eight undergraduates have since been moved to other UoB residences in Bristol. The remaining five students in Newport are made up of three post-grads and two Second/Third years.

Image may contain: Condo, Housing, Apartment Building, Building, Urban, Town, City, High Rise

The Newport Student Village

It will come as a surprise to most that the actual figures are much lower than expected. Nonetheless, Bristol – what were you thinking?!

Have you been stuck in Newport? We want to talk to you. Message The Tab Bristol on Facebook