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Today is your last chance to submit a Briscrush ‘Lovinator’ survey and bag yourself a Valentine’s date

Find a date and donate to charity!

Are you going to be celebrating this Valentines alone with a bottle of wine and The Notebook, or desperately trying to initiate some flatcest for a date? Well, you needn't bother; our favourite uni confessions page is hosting a Valentine's blind date event and today is your last chance to sign up!

This is an unmissable opportunity presented by Briscrush to finally get yourself some action and to raise money for the charity Students4Students, as each survey that goes through the "Brisdates Lovinator 3000" asks for a small donation to participate.

All you need to do is fill out the quick, but comprehensive, survey before midnight tonight and be available for a "hot date" between Saturday the 15th and Thursday 20th February.

The questions on the survey are specifically designed around your uni experience. The Brisdates Lovinator wants to know all the important details, like your favourite clubs, if the sports fleece stays on during sex and your favourite post night out destination (Taka Taka, any day).

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Here's a sneak preview…

The Lovinator 3000 will then algorithmically find your perfect date!

So if you're looking for someone to keep you warm while your flatmates are boycotting the heating, fill out a form and you might just find your dream date.