We spoke to eight Bristol University societies to find out why you should join them
Bristol has over 350 societies to choose from so there must be something for you
Going to university can often be an overwhelming experience due to having paper thin walls next to a couple in your accommodation, seeing rats in pickle jars and suffering through endless games of ring of fire. With so much going on it is easy to miss out on the lifeblood of Bristol university: societies.
Student run groups provide a fantastic outlet for you to express your passions or find new ones. Joining will ensure that you make friends with like minded people and create some experiences that aren’t 3am shifts in the ASS working on that colonoscopy assignment.
With over 350 societies, from Quidditch to Dog Soc, Bristol offers a society for everyone. The Bristol Tab spoke to eight Bristol University societies to ask them why they think you should clamber out of your springy single bed and join up.
Bristol Quidditch Club
Described as a mix of “handball, dodgeball, rugby and volleyball all in one” and straight from the beloved Harry Potter books by J.K.Rowling. Quidditch offers an unorthodox sport to throw yourself into or ride on a broom into.
On the social side, if you are a member, you can “propose any social you want”, which saves waiting a year to battle for the social sec position and gives you a voice from the get go.
Plant Society
Students and killing houseplants is a partnership cemented in the annuls of time. Not only does Plant-soc offer you a chance to learn how to keep your precious babies alive, through social workshops on care and upkeep, it also provides “many exclusive discounts to its members” by working closely with independent businesses, which will help you take you student loan even further.
Big Band Society
You like jazz? Look no further because Big Band “runs two of the best jazz bands in the south west”. On top of this, membership is free, so getting involved in the Bristol jazz scene as a musician has never been easier.
Alongside the usual culprits of socials, the society also goes to a huge number of gigs to “both watch and play at”, so join up and let the good music swing by.
Though you might like to, university accommodation is no place to bring man’s furry best friends. This lack of paws can be remedied with Dog Society, “the perfect way to spend time with dogs”. Weekly dog walks mixed with other socials like puppy yoga and dog café crawls, presents an exciting opportunity to play with an animal that isn’t your flatmate.
DramaSoc and Spotlights
Instagram DramaSoc and Spotlights
These two sister-societies allow you to get enthralled in the world of theatre. “Showcases, main shows, comedy sketches, workshops, poetry readings are some of the endless opportunities” for any actors, directors or writers studying a Bristol.
Their flagship social at La Rocca will ensure a barrel of “cheesy tunes and cheap VKs”. With constant meet-ups to discuss ideas and see the theatre it is clear why these two are some of the liveliest societies about.
“The only television society at Bristol”, UBTV teaches you the fundamental skills of journalism and video production. Great for anyone wishing to be the next Blue Peter Host or Zoella. Inclusive socials from pub visits and club nights to cinema trips and coffee mornings, allow members to network and get to know each other.
Bristol Pokémon Trainer Society
Looking for a gym that’s more about defeating trainers than lifting weights? Charge the DS and join Bristol Pokémon Society “a space for all fans of Pokémon to connect and enjoy the franchise together”.
The society holds all sorts of events and socials for whatever preference you may have. Keep active with walks for Pokémon Go events, enjoy arts and crafts, compete with others in tournaments or attend midnight releases for new games, Bristol Pokémon Society is open to all and is a place for anyone to join “whether you’re a pro or a complete stranger to Pokémon”.
Freshers’ Fair
This small sample of Bristol University societies doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what Bristol Societies can offer, so make sure you have a look on the SU website and become a member or you risk making the same mistake cursed by many post-grads; who wished they’d made the most of their time at Bristol. Go to Freshers Fair this Fridays 23rd of September and see for yourself what fun can be had.
Join The Bristol Tab
Have you always fancied yourself as a writer but don’t know where to start? You’re in luck, The Bristol Tab is looking for new writers for the upcoming academic year!All the information is published here and we hope to see you at our open meeting on October 6th at 6pm.
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