DSK Damaged By ‘The Cambridge Precedent’

DSK has withdrawn from a speaker’s engagement at the European Parliament in the wake of the Cambridge campaign to disinvite DSK.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, ex-head of the IMF and recent speaker at the Union, has withdrawn from speaking at the European Parliament after criticism that it would be “indecent”. 

International media have suggested that the high-profile CUSU protest against his Union appearance earlier this month has paved the way for more organisations to snub DSK.

Due to speak in Brussels next week, DSK pulled out of his engagement following protests by Socialist MEPs defending “the dignity of women.”

Photograph by Harry Shukman

“Le Précédent de Cambridge”, as French newspaper Le Monde has dubbed it, could be responsible for kick-starting wider protests against DSK’s speeches.

Ruth Graham, CUSU Women’s Officer and coordinator of the anti-DSK demonstrations, told The Tab that she was in awe of the power that Cambridge students have when they protest.

“I am very pleased to hear that Strauss-Kahn’s speech to the European Parliament has been cancelled”.

“The fact that ‘Le Précédent de Cambridge’ has been used as an argument in asking for his invitation to be revoked shows that we are able to make a real contribution to international debate”.