Blind Date: “My phone rang just as I finished telling him about my friend who had organised an “emergency” phone call halfway through a first date.”
History of Art student Saffie meets Law student Connor
Be still, my beating heart.
Hopes/expectations for the evening?
I wanted to meet someone easy to talk to and to have a good laugh. I was also hoping that I wouldn’t spill anything on him.
First impressions of Connor in three words?
Athletic, hilarious, confident.
Highlight of the night:
He didn’t mind the fact that I overshared far too early, and I think he found it funny, which was a relief. We both seem to have an equally weird sense of humour and dreadful Uber ratings. And he walked me home even though he had his bike, which was sweet.
Awkward moments?
My phone rang just as I finished telling him about my friend who had organised an “emergency" phone call halfway through a first date, so she had the option to escape early. I think he thought I was trying to bail! Also he had stalked me on Facebook before the date, which was cheating.
Any interesting things in common?
Hating Cambridge clubbing, peaking at an early age, and maybe both getting slightly too excited when planning hypothetical murders.
What do you think he made of you?
A little bit crazy and nervous, but hopefully in a good way?
Is there anything you would change about the night:
I wish I hadn’t had to leave so early, but I was exhausted.
Rate the date:
Would you like to see each other again?
Yes, I think we got on really well.

Have we struck Tab love gold?
Hopes/expectations for the evening?
I was just hoping we'd get on and it'd be fun so expectations met. Good job Tab, I didn't think you had it in you.
First impressions of Saffie in three words?
Needed to pee. But seriously: funny, beautiful and interesting.
Highlight of the night:
There were a few but I think she'd be embarrassed if I said them. So I'll go with when she showed me some of her artwork and illustrations. It was really nice and personal, and super impressive. She's actually doing like 150 illustrations for people to raise money for RAG Jailbreak which is impressive in its own right.
Awkward moments?
Not really. She kept stating she's quite an awkward person but I just found her really funny and the conversation flowed really well.
Any interesting things in common?
Both being total nerds at a young age and loving art and illustration. Being inspired to do our degrees from our A level teachers and receiving gifts from them when we came to Cambridge. Shared interests in swimming in lakes, criminal enterprises and cheese.
What do you think she made of you?
"He has a long back".
Is there anything you would change about the night:
Nope, even though the location was a bit rogue.
Rate the date:
Would you like to see each other again?
We've already planned to actually. Plus she's coming to Catz May Ball, AKA the ball everyone should go to this year.