Stop joining the gym in term 3
Do it right or don’t do it at all
Don’t get me wrong, I love people getting into shape, joining the big journey to a healthier lifestyle.
But if you join in term 3 you have just got the wrong idea, you’re workout regime is likely unsustainable, and eventually you’ll just drop off.
Taking up space
Fitness is a grind, that takes months and even years to see the results you want, but people who sign up late in the year seem to think they’re the only ones who can beat the system.
They turn up to two classes a week, for three weeks, and expect to have ripped abdominal muscles and toned arms, whilst still going out every other night and eating like a hungover gorilla.
What is even going on here?
If you’re going to the gym for quick results, you are likely to become frustrated and disheartened when ultimately you don’t achieve what you want.
With term 3 just before summer, it is understandable why so many people want to sign up, to look great while they’re inter-railing round Europe, or sunbathing on Bondi beach, but this mean you’ll likely take shortcuts, and won’t bother with any of the boring stuff like your diet.
Also, the weather is usually great in term 3, and you’re probably not going to want to be inside, making it even harder to stay motivated.
I wish I was in Exmouth
Misuse of the gym equipment is the biggest indicator of a term 3 sign up.
Doing bicep curls in the squat rack, or dips on the benches, in a vain attempt to keep your arm pump going for the holidays, which will inevitably wear off before you leave the changing rooms let alone the country.
Now, the crowding is a massive issue in term 3, it’s nigh on impossible to find a treadmill, and forget getting a mat unless you want to wait twenty minutes.
Packed to the rafters
In the gym no one’s time is more valuable than anyone else’s, but there are some activities that hold pretty much no value.
Like talking to your friend on the adjacent mat, or walking at 3 kilometres an hour on the treadmill while watching your favourite soap on the notoriously temperamental LifeScape system.
Letting everyone on Insta know where you are
Everyone is paying to be here, so don’t be selfish, if you can’t go any faster that’s fine, but if we’re honest most of you are going at that speed because you are just lazy.
Ultimately, everyone should join the gym.
It makes you feel better about yourself, makes you healthier, and gives you something to do to relieve stress during exams, or after lectures, but if you join in term 3 you’re much less likely to achieve your goals, and will probably just annoy everyone who’s been going since fresher’s week.