‘Glimmers’ are TikTok’s most soothing new trend – here are all of Exeter’s
Forget triggers, it’s all about glimmers now
URGENT ALERT: There’s a new TikTok trend that I need to put you on. It revolves around creators on the app celebrating the wholesome moments in their lives – the ‘glimmers’ – instead of the triggers! Neat, right? Last week, San-Francisco-based creator, Anne Blake, went viral for posting a video to Lana Del Rey’s Radio, sharing her recent discovery of glimmers with the world.
As uni students, our bodies are reduced to a vessel exclusively comprised of caffeine, stress and sleep deprivation. So, if this sounds familiar, here is a list of 25 Exeter ‘glimmers’ to encourage you to take that breath you’ve been holding all through exam season and RELAX:
A definitive list of Exeter ‘glimmers’:
- Seeing that your favourite seat in the library is free on a busy day
- When you go to watch the sunset from East Park Hill and it ends up being a great sunset
- Running into the freezing cold sea at Exmouth
- Coming downstairs with a bag of washing to find the machine is actually free for once, just when you need it!
- Hearing someone who can actually play the piano practicing in the Forum
- When the campus cat comes over to you for a cuddle
- Your favourite song coming on in TP
- Walking into town and getting green lights every time you arrive at the crossing
- Finding something AMAZING in the charity shops when you were only “popping in just in case”
- Your first glimpse of Spitchwick after trekking through the Dartmoor forest from the carpark
- Eating a meal deal on the Cathedral Green with your friends like it’s first year again
- Sunbathing in the garden or park with your flatmates
- Getting a picture by the University of Exeter rock on campus when you graduate
- Drinks at the Impy in the sunshine
- Turning the corner to TP and there’s no queue
- The morning debrief where the whole house somehow manages to fit into one bed
- Walking back from campus after a productive day in golden hour
- Deep cleaning your room and finding things you thought you’d lost/would never see again
- When someone compliments your outfit (probably that top you got off Vinted)
- BeReal going off when you’re actually doing something fun
- Answering a question in a lecture theatre and getting it right in front of everyone
- Reading the Overheard page the day after any big event and watching the chaos unfold
- Collecting society stash after waiting forever for it
- Having someone post about you on The Tab Exeter library crushes story
- Coming back to Exe after time away and realising that you actually did miss it, at least a little bit.
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