What your choice of graduation outfit says about the kind of Exeter student you are
Tag yourself – I’m the Urban Outfitter dress
Grad week has just passed and you know what that means – it’s time to pair up the Exeter stereotypes with their rightful graduation fits. From EUFC ties to white mini dresses, this graduation did not disappoint anyone but our parents. Pick your outfit, your shoes, your cap style and your accessories to create a complete, comprehensive picture of your Exetah stereo-type; this is what your outfit choice for graduation says about you.
Pick your outfit:
Tweed suit
You’re probably a TP warrior and a chronic Overheard-poster, with a signet ring and a white crusty dog called Boris – not to generalise or anything.
UO dress
If you were an Exetah expression you would, without a doubt, be “Rah where’s my baccy?” An Oldie but a Goldie, Urban Outfitters sponsored most of the grad fits this year (and probably every year before that).
Oversized suit
You were definitely first in line to watch Barbenheimer. You’re keeping up with all the latest trends and you’re not apologising for it.
Charity shop snatch
I know you wore this JUST so you could tell everyone it’s vintage. Ethical shopping is great, but I honestly have to say, some of those things were thrown out of a wardrobe for a reason.
One of the sports society ties
Okay, okay, we get it, you play football. You might as well have brought a whistle and your studs.
White dress
There’s a big difference between classy and basic, yet this year, white dresses managed to be a bit of both.
Velvet/patterned suit jacket
You’re super cool. That’s it.
Pick your shoes:
Doc Martins
You are the human equivalent of Cavern – indie and loveable. Despite your chaotic energy, you have your head screwed on enough not to wear ridiculous heels or ugly shoes, which is more than we can say for some people.
Cowboy boots
A TikTok girly in the flesh! Extra points if they are from TikTok shop.
Basic but cute – a bonus if they were brightly coloured.
Boat shoes/loafers
You’re either in the sailing club or lacrosse team or you’re pretending you are.
School shoes
You’re probably a cheapskate: You shop at Aldi, smuggle alcohol into clubs and buy own-brand cereal.
Go back to Penryn (and take me with you).
Pick your cap look:
You didn’t use all of your available mitigation applications, you meal prep dinners and go to gym on campus. You are put together.
You were late to the ceremony but made it work – even though you didn’t read the instruction about bringing a pin. You probably eat pesto pasta every night and have never been to an 8am.
Cap off as soon as humanly possible
You either have long hair or a big forehead. Or possibly both. Either way, I sympathise.
Pick your accessory
Freshly purchased Exeter University merch
From an ex-stash sec to a fellow stash fiend, I’m here to tell you that there is no situation on earth where you will need more than two university-branded items of clothing. None. Save your cash for the celebrations at the Impy.
An elegant and beautiful prop for your photos – which is fortunate, because if your family are organised enough to get you flowers before the ceremony, they are probably also organised enough to send a photo to your extended family groupchat before you can vet it.
A film camera
You will probably not take a single picture on this camera today. It will sit in your tiny handbag and won’t come out until you get home.
The free cupcakes
You’ve got your priorities straight. I like you.
A glass of the free champagne
You’ll do anything for a free drink, well, almost anything. Write a dissertation, for one.
Your partner
Bonus points if they bring you flowers.
(Minus points if they don’t).
Orange paint
Need I say more?
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