Relax: You’re basically guaranteed a graduate job

We’re awesome

High Fliers report, The Graduate Market in 2015, places Glasgow graduates 24th most employable in the UK. 

To lose to Edinburgh is painful, but losing to Strathclyde is verging on embarrassing. Fear not, as we redeem ourselves in being more employable than St Andrews graduates who fail to even make the top 25.

The Good Universities Guide ranks us at 26th in the UK, but despite this employers seem to value us above most other Scottish universities.

Glasgow: Beautiful, but painfully average.

Surprisingly, Manchester, Nottingham and Warwick topped the rankings (1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively) superseding the painfully exclusive Oxford and Cambridge.

Glasgow Students – fun, Beautiful and Employable.

Life could be worse, you could be a St Andrews or Aberdeen graduate.

So keep pushing for that 2:1, it looks like you might just get a job at the end of it all – despite what you have always been told.