Glasgow Uni to spend £775 million on new facilities

What about the library food

Over three quarters of a million pounds will be spent by Glasgow Uni to boost uni buildings and campus amenities. 

The move, which was approved on the 24th February by the Court, involves an investment of £775 million in the next ten years.

The money is set to be split into three parts: £450M of new capital investment, with £175M of capital investments which have already been committed and a further £150M of anticipated maintenance and refurbishment spend.

Big changes are happening for Glasgow Uni

Ann Allen, Director of Estates and Buildings said in a statement put onto mycampus: “The decision of Court is a major milestone for the University of Glasgow and confirms our commitment to developments which will ensure we are fully fit for purpose for students, staff and research colleagues.

“Over the next decade we will see the development of significant new additions to our facilities, both at the Western site but also elsewhere on campus – starting with a Learning and Teaching Hub that will be built next to the Boyd Orr Building.

“There are also some existing buildings which are extremely significant and it was pleasing that Court also recognised the role they play and the need to invest in improving some of the facilities within them.”

According to the statement released on mycampus, the priority is the new Teaching and Learning hub.

The university is also seeking further funds to build a Centre for the research into chronic diseases, and to move the displays in the Hunterian museum to Kelvin Hall.

Archie Winnington-Ingram, a second year History and Classics student, said of the move: “I think it’s great that there is a vision for the University that is rooted in improvement, infra-structurally and otherwise.

“Though I think it important to question the ability of the University to pursue these improvements to campus in a way that reflects the needs and opinions of students.

“It’s also important to ask whether it is possible for the Uni to stick to budget – let’s be honest they probably won’t – and to actually complete any of this building on time. I know that I will have left before any of this is actually complete.”