Bus stop is best celeb-spot in Glasgow

And you thought seeing Frankie Boyle on Byres Road was cool

Fancy spotting a celeb in Glasgow? Head to the number 19 bus.

This is what Strathclyde student, Holly Hughes does, and she’s now met various celebrities, including Usher and Ariana Grande.

The History and Psychology student, from Anderson, gets the 19 or 19a bus from the Blythswood Square hotel to Strathclyde University most days.

The hotel is a favourite among celebrities visiting Glasgow, so Holly, as a big music fan, easily spots her favourite artists whilst waiting for her bus.

She said to the Evening Times: “I am just in the right place at the right time. I am just lucky.

“I am a big music fan so it is easy for me to spot them.”

She also met Usher this week and said: “I went over to him and just said, ‘Hi Usher, welcome to Scotland.’ He was really nice, happy and smiling away.

“He told another fan he was enjoying his time in Scotland.”