Clubbers of the Week

‘Hakuna those tatas’

Exams are coming up, but that hasn’t kept you from hitting up your favourite watering holes.

Kudos Glasgow, you never fail to disappoint us.

Stunners of the Week

Runners up

She’s so fit and he knows it

Hero of the week

 Runner up

The classiest shot face we’ve ever seen

Squad of the week

A squad of hot gals in Kokomo. Pretty standard

Runners up

Lads lads lads

Pout of the week

Poser of the week


Exposé of the Week

She needs to hakuna those tatas. We don’t know where to look

Creepiest smile of the week

You can feel the sexual tension through your screen

 Lookalikes of the week

Siblings? They must be close…

 Most depressed clubbers

‘Yeah we love clubbing we love shimmy we are having a gr10 time’