Club style: Viper

The best of the best

We have all come to know and love Viper style for what it is: varied and imaginative.

While some may complain about the hoards of rugby lads tackling each other (and often by proxy, you) or the amount of times you have been hit in the face with a squid tentacle or a ladybird wing for some sports social, we choose to celebrate Vipers diversity. Because if there is one thing Vipee’s will always get, it’s 10/10 for effort.

So here are the best of the best to give us all something to aspire to:

Hannah, 3rd year, Psychology  

Nathalie, 2nd year, Mathematics

Adam, Matt and Lewis, 4th year, 4th year and Postgraduate, Civil Engineering, Anatomy and Investment 

Ciara, 1st year, History and History of Art

Tom, 4th year, Pharmacology

Lauren, 3rd year, Biology

Claire, 4th year, Nursing

Ailsa, 2nd year, Psychology 

Lily, 1st year, English Literature and French, with visiting friend Kerri