UPDATE: Our ‘light up Kelvin Way’ campaign

We’re making progress

After our petition to “light up Kelvin Way” went live on Friday, The Tab Glasgow have had a rollercoaster few days.

Dangerous Kelvin Way

With 1,000 signatures and 600+ shares on social media in just 24 hours, the petition exploded far quicker than we had anticipated, showing just how much it means to the local community. We want to thank those of you that shared and signed. But the work isn’t over.

I sent emails to every Glasgow MP and Glasgow Council representative that has a say in such issues. I tweeted Nicola Sturgeon, Carol Monaghan (the West End’s MP) and a host of people that would get this campaign the attention it deserved. I received one reply from the MP for Patrick whci read that due to being outside the constituency nothing on his part could be done. The next day I received a reply from a branch at Glasgow Council saying they had passed on my concerns to Development Officers.

The Tab Glasgow were then approached by STV. They had seen the petition after an article written by Glasgow Live was posted on Twitter and they wanted an interview on Wednesday. Myself and Editor Jenna Macfarlane went along to be featured on the “Live at Five” section of the show and this has presented us and the petition with more exposure than we could have asked for.

Our live interview was at STV studios

You can watch our interview here.

Post-interview adrenaline

Since then, more signatures have been gained. But we’re still waiting to hear back from any authorities on this undeniably important issue.

Next up is an interview with Glasgow University’s very own TV channel GUST.

The voices of the local community are finally being heard. But we need you to keep sharing and signing both the article and the petition. Please start using our hashtag #LightUpKelvinWay.

We need to get this petition seen by those who have the most influence and I hope to receive a reply from them soon.