These Glasgow third years made a flat Instagram account and it’s hilarious
The ultimate flat goals
So, you think you and your flatmates are close? Do you feel like you engage in daily, flat-bonding activities and don’t see this relationship becoming any closer?
Think again – these Glasgow third years run their own flat Instagram account, and as well as being pure hilarity, we can all agree that it’s the epitome of #FlatGoals.
The Instagram is called @1hamiltonpark and follows the daily lives of all four boys, Matt, Angus H, Angus B, and Craig. The account hasn’t been established for long – the first post was in November last year – but they already have more than 200 followers and this is gradually increasing.
The account has become talked about in the boys’ friendship circle, as the pictures are very matter-of-fact representations of student life, paired with funny captions. One moment, the boys are brushing their teeth together, the next they’re all suited-and-booted for one of Glasgow Uni’s many ‘dos.
The Tab Glasgow decided to speak to the boys to see just exactly why they decided to set up the account – and what people’s reactions have been.
When did you decide to start up the account?
Angus H: We were in the kitchen and decided to start a flat Instagram as Matt didn’t have an account.
Matt: That’s when the spark was ignited.
How do you come up with the funny captions?
Angus B: We discuss at dinner about what the best caption could be and make sure it’s a collective decision.
Matt: We try to include funny and random hashtags, like when we got our new salt ‘n’ pepper grinder and we used #newsaltandpepper.
What’s your most successful picture to date?
Angus H: Our highest number of likes is 105, and our first photo only got six.
What’s the idea behind the account?
Craig: The whole idea is supposed to be a day in the life of students, and the crack comes along with it.
Matt: The pictures are simple things, normal things that students get up to.
Angus H: The one of us cleaning our teeth is my personal favourite. It’s an unfiltered (but filtered – get it) day in the life of our flat. It’s also for people who don’t go to uni, or don’t know what student life is like, so they can see what it’s about.
Craig: They’re off-the-cuff photos.
Angus B: We even hosted a competition where followers had to guess who took our four-person photo.
Matt: We try to mention everyone in the caption, even if they’re not in the picture.
What have people’s reactions been?
Angus B: The reactions have been positive – a lot of people have been speaking about it.
Craig: People love it because it’s four guys that get along really well.
Matt: Knowing people will laugh is a good feeling.
Craig: Some people are signed up so they get a notification when we post. Although we have had a couple of unfollows.
Angus H: We get requests all the time for people to be in it – people want to make their debut.
Matt: Our time lapse vid of us cleaning the kitchen was really popular.
Angus H: We’ve actually had some copycat accounts made.
What are your favourite photos?
Angus H: Definitely the one of us cleaning our teeth.
Angus B: When I’m doing up Craig’s bow tie.
Matt: That time we got snuggly before watching David Attenborough.
Craig: This one because of the caption.
What have been the positives for the flat since starting the account?
Craig: It definitely encourages us to do more stuff.
Matt: It’s a daily objective for us – something we need to do together.
Angus B: But we do sit down for dinner together every night anyway. The account is definitely going to go on my CV.
How long does it take to take the perfect picture?
Matt: It takes a while – longer than you’d think. It takes a while to think of a good caption.
This statement is not wrong, as the boys want a picture of the five of us documenting the interview taking place and we can’t quite seem to get the right self-timer angle. The end result was totally worth the wait, though:
If you’d like to keep up-to-date with the hilarity, give @1hamiltonpark a follow on the ‘gram.
Do you think your flat insta is better? Message The Tab Glasgow’s Facebook page.