Meet the models of the Glasgow University Charity Fashion Show ~PART 2~
Beautiful people reading about more beautiful people
Go read part one for backgound… and enjoy learning more about the rest of the models fundraising for Refuweegee and walking for GUCFS!
Lucy Nicholson (she/her)
Degree: English Literature/Business Management (4th year).
Nationality: Scottish.
Age: 21.
Modelling/Fashion Experience: Before GUCFS, absolutely none.
Favourite designer: Has to be A.Fed Studios from the REASSERT shoot. I absolutely loved wearing their ‘senator’ outfit. It felt like a mix between hot alien and Lily from Sex Education.
Thoughts on Refuweegee: I followed Refuweegee for a long time before joining GUCFS and have always been a massive fan of their work. The support and aid they provide is absolutely essential and makes a huge impact on so many people’s lives. Providing displaced people with a warm welcome to their new home during what must be some of the most difficult times of their lives is incredible work and I couldn’t be happier to support such an amazing charity.
Worst show you watched during lockdown: Might be controversial, but I saw far too much Friday Night Dinner for my liking
Best/funniest family reaction to you modelling in GUCFS: Hard to pick one, but the funniest was probably when my wee brother and sister found out I was modelling and insisted on teaching me how to ‘model walk’, which ended up with me tripping and nearly breaking a leg on the kitchen floor. I think they might be better suited for the catwalk.
Relationship status: Single.
Favourite dating app: Tinder – I live for the abysmal chat.
Elizabeth White (she/her)
Degree: Dentistry (3rd year).
Nationality: Irish.
Age: 22.
Modelling/Fashion Experience: Not much just a poser.
Favourite designer: Farrah Highton from the REAWAKEN shoot.
Thoughts on Refuweegee: Refuweege is an amazing, friendly, hardworking charity who welcome and support refugees and asylum seekers in Glasgow and Scotland. They embrace refugees into the city by providing guidance and support as well as distributing welcome and emergency support packages donated by locals to those in need.
Worst show you watched during lockdown: Emily in Paris. It’s so bad that it’s actually good – a guilty pleasure.
Best/funniest family reaction to you modelling in GUCFS: My dad: “You better not be modelling any of that silly underwear.”
Relationship status: Taken x.
Favourite dating app: Hinge.
Kaz Mautsi (she/her)
Degree: Neuroscience (1st year).
Nationality: British.
Age: 18.
Modelling/Fashion Experience: Modelled for A-level art projects during school.
Favourite designer: Sarah Duffy and Abigail Willis Cameorn from the REBRAND shoot.
Thoughts on Refuweegee: They’re an amazing charity who do a great job changing people’s lives.
Best/funniest family reaction to you modelling in GUCFS: My dad saying, “But you’re too short to be a model.”
Relationship status: Single.
Favourite dating app: Probably Hinge.
Revati Campbell (she/her)
Degree: Scots Law (2nd year).
Nationality: I’m a majorly mixed-race baby! I’m Scottish, Sri Lankan, Chinese, and Australian.
Age: 20.
Modelling/Fashion Experience: I’m a MASSIVE nerd about Haute Couture. I’ve modelled in the past for a Scotland based independent film company.
Favourite designer: Aurora from the RETURN shoot.
Thoughts on Refuweegee: In our current political climate, now more than ever, organisations like Refuweegee are a crucial pillar in our community to support forcibly displaced people and I feel so honoured to be part of a show supporting them.
Worst show you watched during lockdown: Sierra Burgess is a Loser.
Best/funniest family reaction to you modelling in GUCFS: “Wait it’s called CLIMAX?? What KIND OF show are you doing??”
Relationship status: In a relationship with me, myself, and I.
Favourite dating app: The app called “in-person-conversations.”
Sahana Siva (she/her)
Degree: Dentistry (4th year).
Nationality: English.
Age: 23.
Modelling/Fashion Experience: No experience whatsoever.
Favourite designer: I absolutely loved wearing Iona Beresford’s collection in the REAWAKEN shoot. Her designs combine history and art and most importantly are sustainable. All the designers this year are amazing and I’m so excited to see all of the ones being showcased in the show.
Thoughts on Refuweegee: Refuweegee is honestly one of the most incredible charities I’ve ever come across, not only do they focus on providing any physical items people may need they also focus on making sure anyone in need of hello feels loved and accepted. It’s such an incredible opportunity to be involved in raising money for such a great cause and I hope to be able to continue helping this charity expand its reach.
Worst show you watched during lockdown: I’m not going to lie to you, even though these shows fall under the category of probably the worst shows ever made, anything on TLC cured those lockdown blues.
Best/funniest family reaction to you modelling in GUCFS: Probably my parents taking it as a personal compliment.
Relationship status: In a relationship (I know, I’m sorry guys).
Favourite dating app: I have been out the game for a while now but if my memory serves me well I’d have to go for Hinge?
Reece Paul (he/him)
Degree: History (3rd year).
Nationality: Scottish.
Age: 21.
Modelling/Fashion Experience: None.
Favourite designer: Farrah Highton from the REAWAKEN shoot.
Thoughts on Refuweegee: I think there is no better charity that we could be working with this year considering the recent Afghanistan crisis which only further highlighted the global refugee crisis. I ope by working with Refuweegee we can show how this is an ongoing crisis and not something that happens every so often.
Worst show you watched during lockdown: I can’t think of a single show I watched in lockdown.
Relationship status: Wouldn’t you like to know.
Favourite dating app: They’re all boring.
Vivek Pandya (he/him)
Psychology (5th year).
Nationality: Scottish.
Age: 24.
Modelling/Fashion Experience: Monopoly Beauty Contest Winner 2007.
Favourite designer: AURORA from the RETURN shoot.
Thoughts on Refuweegee: A fantastic charity doing incredible work so close to home in Glasgow.
Worst show you watched during lockdown: Tiger King.
Best/funniest family reaction to you modelling in GUCFS: “Your ears are too big to be a model” – Mum.
Relationship status: Long term relationship with my right hand.
Favourite dating app: Tinder.
Amir Hosny (he/him)
Degree: Economics.
Year of Study: 4th.
Nationality: British-Egyptian.
Age: 25.
Modelling/Fashion Experience: 2020/21 prospectus – should’ve done the cover but the weather had other plans 🙁
Favourite designer: AURORA from the RETURN shoot.
Thoughts on Refuweegee: Can’t resist a portmanteau and the charity is as good as its name! I like their efforts to make refugees immediately feel welcome and part of their adopted city through ‘letters fae the locals’ that tell all about the culture of Glasgow and Scotland, so very glad to be partnered with them.
Worst show you watched during lockdown: Russian Doll.
Best/funniest family reaction to you modelling in GUCFS: eye rolls, tuts, and “vanity”.
Relationship status: Waiting for marriage.
Favourite dating app: Never tried but I’ll say Bumble since they gave me good free…bees.
Go to https://www.refuweegee.co.uk/ to find out more and get involved you beautiful person!