Are these election videos funnier than the last ones?
VIDEO: When will the campaigning end? After you’ve watched the next few minutes of video footage, hopefully
Well, we did warn you.
Several of the other candidates released their campaign videos, and the Tab is going to treat you to all of them.
First up is presidential candidate Marcus, with what is arguably a parody of Brian’s video. At least, we hope so. It’s definitely a parody of Train’s song Hey Soul Sister, but apart from that, we can’t really be sure.
Marcus seems to think he’s standing at the University of O’Knee
Marcus wants to stand as your president because, although he can’t sing, dance, lipsync, or be as well dressed as he claims, he thinks he can represent students.
The self-acclaimed “prez of fashion” also doesn’t seem to understand where to fund his library printing costs.
The Tab recommends that you attempt to hide your PIN better than this when using a cash machine
You can watch his video, ‘Hey Lincoln Uni’, in full here:
The third and final presidential candidate, Charlotte Greenley, was the last to release her campaign video, in which she admits to being “really clumsy” by hitting a man with the copy of the Sun and walking into a circus performer.
This is the problem with mobile phones; nobody looks out for flying newsprint any more
The only president not to produce a parody song talks about “balance…for race, gender, sexuality, religion, and all of that”, which probably wouldn’t make a good lyric for any genre.
“We want people to know that we own the Shed,” she says; clearly unaware that the Tab is already on the case.
“Wait, you’re not producing a parody song?”
Charlotte’s campaign video can be seen below:
Just because that’s all the presidential candidate videos over, doesn’t mean that you, the voter, isn’t obliged to do some more cringing.
Candidate Tom Larken has also made a video to support his shot at the VP Activities role. He claims to be “bringing a buzz back to campus”. Internet points will be given if you can guess why.
Tom, larken’ around outside the Brayford Quays accommodation (I can’t be the only one to have made that pun yet? Really?)
Tom’s video is a cover (not a parody, for once) of the infamous You’ve Got a Friend in Me, although the song is frequently interrupted by interludes – he does everything from dancing with a street band and waiting at the Brayford level crossing in between his bouts of song.
While the Tab has reason to suspect that this isn’t his singing voice, Tom’s video can be seen here:
The final video comes from a campaigner so prepared, she seems to have made her video in the 1920s.
Olivia Hill, in the running for the VP Welfare and Community position, created her “making a spectacle” video in an old, silent film style, and of the videos we’ve featured so far this week, it’s certainly the best for its production values.
That said, being chased around campus by glasses has featured heavily in my nightmares
She promises to support you by giving you someone to talk to, explaining directions, and helping you pick up your notes should you fall down the stairs in a comical manner.
You can see all those things in black and white below:
That’s all the campaign videos for now, but there’s still a day and a half of voting left – who knows, the Tab may well have more videos to report on by the time this goes online.
Don’t expect us to be sober when it happens, though:
Honestly, I’m surprised I got through this article