Campus style: Check out this week’s best dressed

Lookin’ fresh

We found the best dressed of you Lincoln lot this week. If you didn’t make the cut, try harder next week.

Kate Duggan, 2nd year Forensic Science

Jeans: H&M
Top: River Island
Jacket: Barbour
Boots: Dr Martens

Harriet Pedder, 2nd year Media Production

Top: Topshop
Jeans: Topshop
Kimono: H&M
Boots: Primark

Chloe Perry, 2nd year Media Production

Dress: Primark
Boots: Primark

Rhiannon Tulley and Rob Batchelor, 2nd year Law

Coat: River Island
Hoodie: Topman
Jeans: River Island

Coat: New Look
Jeans: Topshop
Shoes: Adidas

Megan Naylor, 1st year Sociology

Coat: New Look
Scarf: Primark
Bag: Peacocks
Boots: Dr Martens

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