Expectation vs reality of life at Lincoln

It’s not all rainbows and unicorns…but more rain and swans

Despite Will Mckenzie slating our uni town for being a “shithole”, those of us who voluntarily applied to Lincoln still had high expectations of University life.

Not all of them quite matched with what we were expecting…


Expectation: Joining societies and being forced to do some strange initiation which will be mortifying but will lead to you getting an awesome nickname like ‘shredder’ or ‘that guy wot drank all that beer that time’.

Reality: Going to the societies fair and being really weirded out by the body building society , the Harry Potter society and the Assassin society, before stocking up on free pizza they were handing out.

Having to walk up Steep Hill… Now thats THAT’S an initiation


Expectation: Learning how to cook so you wouldn’t have to find ingenious ways of making one loaf of bread last the whole week.

Reality: Discovering the Iceland down the road and bulk buying frozen pizzas and forgetting what vegetables are straight away… what’s a carrot again?

that’s tonight’s tea sorted


Expectation: You’ll always be prepared for essays and will be hitting that University library you thought looked “so cool” on your open day.

Reality: Frantically trying to block deadlines out of your head because it’s only been a month and you suddenly can’t spell the word ‘cat’. Plus, if you have visited our library it was probably just to print something out.

the library is only good for catching up on kip


Expectation: Being able to watch University Challenge and being able to answer the questions despite the fact you’re not at a Russell Group Uni.

Reality: What the hell does Happax Legomenon mean? Why are these people so smart? Damn you Oxbridge!

we know we aren’t top of the league tables


Expectation: You’ll be getting drunk every single night , running around Courts naked, jumping into the Brayford and just causing general fresher mayhem.

Reality: With only 2 real decent clubs, sometimes sitting inside in your pjs watching Bake Off is just the way forward.

not every night will be as messy as this one

The Swans

Expectations: Okay, the University logo is a swan. Maybe Lincoln has a few swans?

Reality: Surrounded and swarmed by swans whilst walking to lectures, some of which hiss and are accompanied by these evil looking geese. Beware.

This place is seriously home to more swans and geese than students…