Gay marriage, abortion and climate change: This is how all of Lincoln’s political candidates have voted
We found out their views on the issues that matter to you
With a general election looming upon us on the 12th December, for many young people, it will be their first time being able to vote in such an important election.
As students, we have the choice to vote either at home or in Lincoln, but where will it matter most?
To help you make an informed decision, we looked at all representatives and how they have recently voted on issues such as climate change, to tuition fees and gay rights.
Karl McCartney – Conservative
As a former Conservative MP for Lincoln, McCartney has previously found success in local government by improving transport across Lincoln.
However, whilst representing Lincoln, he was involved in multiple controversies.
In 2013, he was forced to apologise after writing offensive notes to staff processing his expenses, and was also forced to deny favouriting a pornographic tweet on his Twitter account a year later.
He has also consistently voted against equal gay rights and gay marriage, and laws that promote equality and human rights and voted for raising tuition fees.
McCartney is a prominent leave campaigner among the Conservatives and Lincoln, and led the campaigns for Brexit across Lincolnshire.
Despite voting against measures preventing climate change, McCartney has recognised climate change in an article on his website, stating: "Climate change is one of the most urgent global challenges we face, and we are leading the world in our efforts to tackle it."
You can find all of his voting history here.
Caroline Kenyon – Liberal Democrats
Caroline Kenyon has lived in Lincolnshire for over 20 years and hopes to represent Lincoln in the best way possible, stating on her social media: "I will fight for you, I will champion you, I will be here for you and this wonderful city."
Kenyon has not voted in parliament as of yet, but is very active across Lincoln as a member of the Lincoln International Business School Advisory Board.
She also openly campaigns to stop Brexit and regularly tweets under the hashtag #StopBrexitSaveBritain.
Kenyon also works to support mental health services in Lincoln and believes in fighting climate change.
She has also tweeted her support for gay rights.
Karen Lee – Labour
Lincoln’s current MP has represented Lincoln on behalf of Labour since 2017 and is relatively new to parliament, acting as the Shadow Minister for Fire and Emergency Services.
Lee advocates for climate change measures and says Labour now have the most ambitious climate change policies in the world.
While she hasn’t yet voted on the voting age she openly supported lowering the voting age to 16 and told The Lincoln Tab: "Young people have become increasingly socially aware and self-aware of their potential vote-power.
"At 16, you are eligible to pay tax, get married or even join the army. You deserve a vote."
Karen has also consistently voted for equal gay rights and gay marriage, as well as for laws promoting equality and human rights.
Karen Lee voted to remain in the EU and pledges to protect the NHS and ensuring it is freely available to all.
Lee has also supported laws for abortion and same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland.
Despite her dedication to Lincoln, Lee has faced some controversy; in 2017 Lee was condemned for a post in 2014 that wished Fidel Castro Happy Birthday. Lee has since apologised and stated "it did not reflect her views today."
You can find Labour candidate Karen Lee’s voting history here.
Sally Horscroft – The Green Party
As a longstanding member of the Green Party, Horscroft advocates strong policies on climate change.
On the Green Party Crowdfunder page she has stated: "With over 3 years of campaign experience as a local Green Party candidate and a passion for helping people and the environment, I would love to represent my city in parliament."
She also believes in supporting local businesses and employment to strengthen Lincoln's economy, while also working to reduce homelessness across Lincoln.
She has shown support towards a second EU referendum and told The Lincoln Tab: "The Green Party believes that the public deserves a chance to vote on the final deal, with the option to remain if they choose.
"The EU is not perfect but I strongly believe that we are better off in and working to reform it, than with any of the other options that have been presented."
Karen and the Green party also want to scrap undergraduate tuition fees and also believe in providing safe, legal access to abortions, telling The Lincoln Tab: "I believe strongly in a woman’s right to control over her own body, and her right to choose, and to access to safe, legal abortion services, should that be what she decides."
Reece Wilkes – The Brexit Party
Announced as the Brexit Party's candidate for Lincoln in August, Wilkes appears relatively new to politics, as his views are yet to be seen in Westminster.
Like the Brexit Party, Wilkes promotes a clean-break Brexit and criticises parties that campaign for a second referendum.
The party also works to reform the voting system, ensure 0 per cent interest on student loans, and make Britain greener.
Wilkes also appears to support gay rights, tweeting: "Some gay people are Brexiteers, get over it."
Charles Shaw – The Liberal Party
As a Parish Councillor for Skellingthorpe, Charles Shaw is acting as a Lay Minister on Lincoln Cathedral Council as well as being a member on the Lincolnshire Council for Voluntary Youth Service (LCVYS).
Originally a member of the Liberal Democrats, Shaw turned to the Liberal Party to represent his views on Brexit.
Charles advocates against central control of local government, after years of experience as a Lib Dem councillor.
Whilst not much is known on Shaw's views, the Liberal Party are strongly opposed to the EU and believe that: "The people are fed up with divisive discussion and continued uncertainty and now call for Brexit to be brought to a close."
The Liberals also advocate human rights, gay rights laws and support a women’s right to abortion.
The party also believes in international co-operation to help combat climate change.
You can find all the Liberal Party policies here
Rob Bradley – Independent
As chairman of the Lincoln United Football Club, Bradley is the only independent candidate for Lincoln.
Promoting a 'People Not Politics' stance, Bradley hopes to act against the "inadequacies of the current political system."
Little is known about Bradley's political views, however, he has expressed his feelings on the unsuccessful Brexit negotiations online.
You can register to vote here.