Clubbers of the Week: The best pics come in Week Six
The pre-reading week energy really pulled through for this one
We’re five weeks into uni. Five long, tiring weeks. If you’re lucky though, you’ll know that reading week is around the corner (if this doesn’t apply to you, I’m sorry but also I’m sick of you saying, ‘that’s because we do a real degree’ so not really that sorry).
Despite the intention of this wonderful midterm break to catch up on your work, we all know you’re either going to go home to do your laundry or go out twice as much as usual. The anticipation of this week has sent students into a frenzy, and we have the photos to prove it.
Stunners of the week

This week’s stunners of the week goes to this gorgeous group of girls
Runners up

Every blonde needs a brunette bestie

These girls look super friendly and I want to know where I can apply to be the fourth member of this stunning trio
Creeper of the week

This creeper decided he wanted to be front and centre of this shot
Runners up

The cheeky grin tells me you knew exactly what you were doing at this moment

I must ask @ the girl with the green hat – is that your arm doing the peace sign behind Bull????
Third wheel of the week

Props to this guy for going out with the girls
Runners up

Sir, sir who are you?

Definitely their flatmate who gets dragged out every time
Hero of the week

These guys look super happy and are giving me How I Met Your Mother energy, so you are my heroes of the week
Runners up

Your turtle neck sweater reminds me a bit of one of my lecturers however, your confidence makes you an absolute hero who pulls it off

From the lei’s to the double VKs in the hand, you guys are heroes
Heroine of the week

Snow White left her man and now she’s the heroine of her own fairytale
Runners up

Immaculate vibes from this heroine – also please send me a link for your outfit because I am obsessed

These heroines fight off the bad energy by throwing peace signs
WTF of the week

Are you guys in pyjamas? Also – ANOTHER injured hand????
Runners up

Did someone rub your head against a balloon before you came out or do you have some weird energy that’s actually the beginning of your hero origin story?

When you’ve been trying to get a photo all night and end up taking your anger out in the form of bombing everyone else’s nice photos with middle fingers
Shark of the week

If you can’t see them, they can’t see you
Runners up


A good old kiss on the cheek never hurt anyone
Album covers of the week

Club anthems energy
Runners up

This would be some really niche German pop band whose origins begin in the oompha genre

This one-limbed photo bomb would make for a great album cover
Unhappy clubbers of the week

This is what friends are for: a shoulder to power nap on in the club
Runners up

I don’t know what you have against the photographer but I hope you find peace

The guy in the back made the fatal mistake of sitting down and is now ready for a Maccies and sleep
Squad of the week

This squad is a triple threat with Bull, steins and amazing smiles all round
Runners up

This squad have clearly figured out how to organise themselves in a photo

You made it in with the fairy wings and your steins
Best of the rest

This is a cool squad

You have the prettiest smiles and you give off generally cool vibes

Mickey Mouse Club House if Hugh Hefner had bought it

Selfie with Bull: check

You’ve kind of coordinated your outfits and I love it
Photo credits: Patrick Axe @ Axeholme Media Productions
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