Here’s a list of what to expect in your first deadline season at UoL
Welcome, prepare to procrastinate like you’ve never procrastinated before
The end of the first semester of the 2021-2022 academic year is nearing here at Lincoln – crazy I know, given we just got back from our Christmas break, and some of us have as much as three weeks off to look forward to. But of course, this also means one very unavoidable problem for us students. Deadlines, exams and presentations.
For some of you, this may be your first time experiencing the havoc of deadline season at university. To help soothe (although I doubt there is very little anyone can do for you now to achieve this) any stress you may be feeling, I have compiled a list of what you should expect during your first deadline season at the University of Lincoln.
Random trips to the library in the name of productivity
Once upon a time, you may have mocked the people walking into the library while you sat in Towers without a care in the world. You’d maybe visited the library at the start of term to see what it had to offer, realised it wasn’t for you, and left. You may have heard rumours of the horror story that is the top floor – the silent floor – renowned for being a space for only the most dedicated students.
However, as the countdown to your deadlines dwindle, you’ll probably start to find yourself following friends or coursemates into the library. It starts with a quick revision session, but before you know it’s 11 pm on a Thursday and you’ll be sat on that top floor, possibly alone, furiously typing away in the hopes that in surrounding yourself with other studious people you may be able to reach that word count by midnight.
Many trips to Towers
Having a small campus comes in handy at this time of year. Being situated opposite one another, your trips to the library will be balanced with equally long visits to Towers. Although this time, rather than pre-ing with your mates, you’ll be sitting with your friends debating whose assessments are the worst.
Sure, you’ll still get smashed, but the next day’s hangover will not be put-off by sleeping until 1 pm. No, you’ll have to be up early for that room you booked in the library (you did it because then you have to get up and study, and you thought future you would appreciate the help. Well, now future you is you of the present, hanging in a quiet room with only a study playlist and a red bull to comfort you).
Procrastinating like you’ve never procrastinated before
It’s actually a skill when you think about it. You’ve had months to write that essay or prepare that presentation, but in typical student fashion, you left it until the last week to start working on them. And that’s okay! We all have different study methods. Although, I’ll admit I’d much rather be one of those relaxed students who’s already revised as much as they can, and submitted their assignments weeks in advance. In deadline season, you’ll find yourself doing anything other than your work. Taking walks up to the cathedral, the West Common, even sitting along the Brayford just to avoid staring at your blank screen for another second.
Over ordering take away food
It’s deadline season, if there was ever a time not to cook, this would be it. And who can blame you? You’re far too busy working (or procrastinating) to even think about buying fresh food, let alone cooking it. Uber Eats and Deliveroo will take up the majority of your screen time, as you aimlessly scroll for a restaurant you haven’t ordered from in the last week. You no longer feel the shame when the same delivery driver appears at your door, you just take your food and thank them for their service.
In my first deadline season, I only ate take out food for one week straight. I’m not saying this is a must of deadline season, but whenever the time comes around now, I am always reminded of the piles of pizza boxes and brown paper bags that littered our kitchen in first year. I promise you, now is the time to order as much take out food as you wish. Sure, you’re going to feel super unwell for days after this binge, but it was all in the name of academia, so it’s fine – probably.
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