These 13 things are guaranteed to happen on your Lincoln night out
Jokes on you if you think I go to the toilet and won’t take photos
Every student’s weak spot is a night out, I’ve found since lockdown has lifted, it’s been harder to say no to going out. I have been living in Lincoln for two years now, and some of the things I have seen, on a night out are hilarious and all students will be able to relate to. Some won’t surprise you, like people being sick, but even then, most of the time people can’t make it to the bathroom. Here is a guide of things you will see and what will happen on your night out in Lincoln.
1. Dressing up/Costumes
A lot of the nightclub events in Lincoln sometimes includes a theme which can range from Peaky Blinders to Disney so you will definitely see at least one group dressed up on your night out. Students dress up randomly, even when the clubs aren’t promoting a theme. I have seen serval groups go out in builders’ costumes or golf outfits; the golf outfits usually come out during pub golf. Lincoln never fails to rock a theme with no shame.
2. People being sick
Add another point to your chunder chart. I hope most of you manage to get it in the toilet as most people cannot make it that far and have to result in using the sink and bathroom floor, and most commonly, the side of the road. As long as someone is not sick in the middle of the club then it’s fine, if you have ever had to witness that, I am sorry.
3. Friends showing up late to Pres
“Pres start at eight. Then we will go to trebles for 10”.
There is always that one friend that will show up ten minutes before you are planning to go out and then complain that they haven’t had enough time to pre-drink even though they messaged the chat an hour ago saying, “I’m 10 mins away”.
As a tip, also try and tell people that pre-drinks start an hour before you plan for it to, then you might have a chance of people actually showing up on time.
4. I’m bored…let me play a game instead
You will witness someone at some point during the night go on the phone and play a game, usually Clash of Clans, to pass the time or if they are bored. If I had a pound for the number of people I have seen in the club play on their phone while they wait for a song they know to come on, I would be able to buy the premium version of the game they were playing. I mean sometimes you got to do what you got to do if you don’t know the song that is playing but still want to have a good time.
5. Going to the bathroom just to take photos
You cannot enter the girl’s bathroom without leaving with a mirror selfie, it’s just a rule of life. If your camera roll isn’t full of multiple random bathroom mirror selfies, you are doing it wrong.
6. It’s time to take you home… at midnight
There is always one friend that either has to go home before even stepping foot in the club or has to be dragged home in the middle of the night out. Most of the time they will claim they are fine, while they are falling over down the club stairs. The worst is when they refuse to be taken home and you have to push them out of the club.
7. The mum of the group
This is the person who usually has to be the one to take the person above home. They are always on the lookout throughout the night to make sure each friend is safe and okay. They will definitely not let any of the members in the group walk home alone and you will not be winning the argument if you try and refuse. It’s nice to know that there is someone that’s going to make sure you end up sleeping in your bed and not outside the club.
8. Pretending to be sober in the queue
There is always someone who is trying to act sober in front of the bouncer so they can be let into the club. This person might drink loads of water before to try and sober up a bit or just use the wall to hold them up straight. You will have to help them get their ID out otherwise they will pull out their Tesco Clubcard instead.
9. Sourcing the club photographer
There is always one person that throughout the night, will hunt down the photographer at every given opportunity. You will see this person jump up in the middle of the club to get their attention and will be so happy for the rest of the night after they have got their photo.
Patrick, we love you.
10. Maccies anyone?
You know it has been a good night when you end up at Maccies afterwards. For some reason, it tastes like a 5-star meal after a night out.
11. Losing friends in the club
Running around the club searching for that one friend that has vanished is a stressful period in the night, especially if they are not answering their phone. But guaranteed, every time you find them, they will be at the bar or chatting up someone.
12. I won’t stay out long…
There is always that one friend who claims they won’t stay out for the whole night. “I’ve got a 9 am in the morning, so I’m going to leave around 1.” And then they are the one to last the longest, leading them to miss their 9 am.
13. The vlogger
How many snaps do you need to post on your story in one night? There is always someone with their phone in your face, recording every detail of the night. You end up skipping through all the snaps when watching it the next morning.
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