All the women UoL students are celebrating this Women’s History Month
From authors to mothers – we love them all
If you hadn’t realised, March is Women’s History Month – with March 8th being International Women’s Day (which btw is today if you haven’t checked your calendars). As much fun as IWD and month can be, it’s also a time to consider the ways in which women (by every definition) are treated today. Both within the UK and globally, women are vilified, treated as second rate citizens and rejected from society for not conforming to certain standards set by society. It’s one month out of the year where we should all try to educate ourselves on what it means to be a woman in 2022 and to celebrate all the things that make us who we are.
And so, we went out and asked Lincoln Uni students who they would be celebrating this Women’s History Month.
‘Naomi Woolf, the author who changed my mindset about my body for the better’ – Grace
Wolf is a feminist writer from America, and Grace says her favourite book from her is: “The Beauty Myth. It talks about sex, violence, work and overall culture. She writes in such a passionate way but what I like most is she’s easy to understand and accessible to most readers!” If you’re looking to get into reading, why not go through our article on books written by female authors and see if any of those take your fancy.
‘I want to shout out my mum’ – Amber
She said: “I’d like to celebrate her because she is the strongest woman I know and she’s everything I aspire to be.” If this doesn’t make you cry I don’t know what will. Mothers are heroes and deserve all the love during this month (and every month). Amber also added: “I also love watching Housewives of Beverly Hills with her haha.” Not all heroes wear capes, some watch trash TV with us.
‘My female ancestors who I’ll never get to meet, but have all of their strength in me’ – Olivia
Olivia’s message did make me well up a little. She explained her choice and said: “It’s fascinating that I’ll never meet any of my female ancestors but I’ve inherited a combination of all their features. They’re who I see in the mirror every day so I should be kind to myself.” So very true, Olivia. Self-love should be all of our priorities, and what a wonderful way of trying to learn it with this kind of mindset?
I’m going to be a bit selfish here and include my own shout out. Every woman in my family has had a major influence on me, and I appreciate everything they’ve done for me. And I cannot talk about amazing women without mentioning my friends, who keep me sane and motivated even when everything feels like it’s falling apart. Lots of love to all of the amazing women mentioned here and all over the world this month!
Another student had two shout outs to give. The first was to: “Gemma Harrison, she works harder than any man I know and is great in every capacity.” This, may I say, is a lovely thing to hear. The second woman the student gave a shout out to is the supervisor at Moka, “they always stand up for what’s right and are an icon to me.”
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• A Lincoln student’s guide to the best books by female authors
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