10 iconic BeReal moments that sum up the life of every Lincoln student
Capturing evidence of the good, the bad and the ugly
Some people say that the eyes are the window to the soul, but only a BeReal account can truly reveal someone’s honest self. It is a mischievous app that will display your lowest moments for all of your mutuals to see. Whether it’s a breakdown during dissertation season or when you’re lapping up cheesy chips after a night out, it really does have a habit of going off in your more vulnerable states. Here is a breakdown of the BeReal posts that summarise student life (the good and the bad) that will inevitably appear on every Lincoln students profile.
Angry library selfie
That is the face of someone who has spent the past week in the library. The frown alone contains new wrinkles formed from a week of rewriting dissertation titles a million times and glaring at first years who talk too loudly on the phone. The utter frustration that even a minute has been spent in that overheated, overcrowded hell-trap is clearly evident here.
Weekly Aldi shop
Is there anything more real than being down the Aldi freezer isle? A true reflection of adulthood here, it is a right of passage for every Lincoln student to do at least one food shop at Aldi. Honestly a sanctuary for when the overdraft starts looking steep. Plus their sweet chilli hummus is to die for.
Running late to a lecture
There is a particular feeling of chaos as you scurry through the campus to your lecture as the clock ticks past 9AM. The hustle and bustle of students paired with the inevitable sweating as you clamber up the Arts Bridge creates a very intense environment, so it is an art to look cool, calm and collected when BeReal goes off.
Drinks at The Swan
After a long day of uni, is there any place better than chilling out with board games and bevs? If it’s a Thursday, you can guarantee at least one Lincoln student will post at The Swan as they indulge in cheap beer and of course the free pool. Rumour has it students spend 90% of their student loan there…
Pre’s in RedFive
Three for a fiver bombs? Yes please. Red Five is the perfect place for those on a budget, with their vodka coke’s costing as little as three pounds. Perfect for celebrating that diss hand-in or when you’ve been granted that extension you faked an illness for.
The hangover nap
The day after drinking too much and all you want to do is sleep off the shame but suddenly BeReal is screaming at you to post in your vulnerable state. You can almost here the notification maliciously laughing at you as you take a snapshot of your mandatory 5PM nap.
Summer in the Arboretum
Summer in Lincoln is stunning and as soon as that sun peeks its lovely head, you can guarantee all students will flock for a picnic and a couple ciders in the Arboretum. Filled with the likes of wannabe football players and rounders athletes but be warned, there is a hazard of being knocked out by a frisbee.
Strolling through the West Common
There is something so peaceful about the West Common, and is a must visit place for all students. Perfect to calm the pre-exam stress and to get out of the hustle and bustle for a while.
Romanticising your life in Cafe Nero
If you’ve ever wanted to look cool and mysterious, highly recommend doing your uni work in Cafe Nero. Whilst you scribble down your boring lecture notes, you can pretend you’re crafting some great masterpiece or working on your first novel. As you can see there is only the title on the word document and the story didn’t really progress further than that. Was worth it however for the latte and aesthetic vibes.
Drowning your sorrows in spoons
Bad day? Spoons. Good day? Spoons. There is nothing that a cheap gin and some greasy nuggets and chips can’t fix. The atmosphere alone is enough to cure any sad soul, because only a psychopath could sulk when being handed a sparkly pitcher.
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