Clubbers of the week: Reading week’s in session, it’s week seven
From pizza parties to VK giveaways, what’s not to love about this week
It’s reading week! For some of you, that means going home to take advantage of washing machines that don’t break and hot food that isn’t just pizza. For others, it means going out every night of the week to recreate those Freshers’ Week memories (that is, if you can remember them). To those who are left without a reading week, all I can suggest is to try reading this article to avoid the FOMO.
Album of the week

If E.T. returned to Earth to perform at Union I would definitely buy tickets
Runners up

The midweek monster would be a pretty good album title

My bins looked something like this in first year
Creeper of the week

This is what being a creeper is all about
Runners up

This creeper perhaps didn’t realise she was creeping until it was too late

When you find the photographer after asking your friends for a photo all night
Dancing Queen of the week

That pizza is dangerously high in the air, but this dancing queen is having too much fun to care
Runners up

Every friendship needs a club track that they can boogie to like this

Bully is a certified dancing queen
Hero of the week

You are having the best time and that is what being a hero is all about
Runners up

I appreciate how enthusiastic you are about your VKs

A real hero wears their heart on their sleeve, and their admission stamp on their forehead apparently
Shark of the week

Classic face-smushing kiss on the cheek, really it’s kind of adorable
Runners up

I don’t know if the two fo you in the back realised there’s a photographer, but I’m glad you were feeling the love

Seriously, what are they putting in the drinks at No Entry? Or do people have better game on Fridays?
Squad of the week

The best part about Keller is making friends on the benches while you belt out Come on Eileen
Runners up

Peace and love from the squad, to yours <3

A girl squad I want to be friends with
Stunner of the week

Not one, not two, but five stunners all in one shot?
Runners up

They’re pretty AND they look super kind? A winning combination

Stunners who know how to accessorise automatically make it into clubbers of the week
Third Wheel of the week

When you come out with the girls and they ask for a photo with just them but you don’t want to be left out
Runners up

Are you… with them?

A third wheel that’s feeling a little shy
Unhappy Clubber of the week

The flash can be startling sometimes
Runners up

I too would be upset if I’d been nominated to crouch on the floor

The only good reason to be sad on this night out
WTF of the week

Does this mean something? Am I too old to get it?
Runners up

Downing your VK in first year was pretty wild

Are we making this a thing now?
Photo credits: Patrick Axe @ Axholme Media Productions
Want to keep up to date to see if you make Clubbers of the week next time? Follow us on Instagram!
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