The worst places in Lincoln to avoid when planning pre-drinks
It’s beginning to look a lot like … drunk steep hill?
Lincoln’s nightlife is known to never disappoint. With its varied degrees of student, two for one shots and dingy toilets, at this point it’s hard to find original places to spend time with your Tesco owned VK. If you’re wanting something a little different than your messy kitchen, look no further than the city itself with Lincoln’s array of great bars and clubs. If you’re feeling something lousier however, we’ve ranked maybe the worst places you can go for pres from the university library second floor toilets to the Prison Chapel at Lincoln Castle.
God and Tonic
Kicking off the list is arguably the worst place to spend pre’s- Lincoln Cathedral. No, Jesus can’t turn your water into a cosmopolitan and yes you will be sent to hell for even thinking of drinking here. Perhaps the gothic architecture and grandiose scenery would make for a classy pres, but even then, why bother with Steep Hill. Although showcasing the ultimate bible bash before your night out, after too many pints you’ll probably try and join the choir practice. Instead of blasphemy, try just sticking to Red Five next time (Lincolnations 2:12).
Brayford Island iced tea
Up next we have Lincoln’s honourable BNOC – The Brayford Island. Looking like a bad hair day, this heritage island is overthrown by swans so be ready to have your drink stolen off you (and maybe a couple of limbs). Bring a second set of clothes as this island is also a great place for other swampy creatures, not freshers, to hang around. This all makes it one of the worst places to spend your time at pres – unless you plan on stumbling into Trebles looking like a marsh bog.
Scholarly Spritz
Third on the list is the university second floor library toilets. A cosier atmosphere than the island makes this pre-drink destination just one step closer to being acceptable. Plus, being surrounded by the fast WiFi might just make this experience bearable even if it has flickering lights and strange handles on the wall, all adding to its charm. Although beer pong in the men’s urinal is going to be more than interesting, perhaps let’s not embarrass ourselves in front of our library crush. Just make sure to wash your hands before you leave.
The (actual) Scene
Next on the list, highlighting affordable meal deals, is the Brayford Wharf Spar. Students around you will more than likely just walk over you as this is a prime spot for last minute shops. The staff are friendly, but maybe not friendly enough to let you raid the wine fridge when you’ve run out of Echo Falls. Although there is no fear of ever running out of mixers as this Spar is stacked to the brim. A perfect location to move out into the town to start the night makes this location practical, but not plausible. Clean up in aisle three.
Prison Hooch
Last on the list is the Prison Chapel at Lincoln Castle. The more pretentious side of pres displaying a grand hall, rows of seats and a main stage allows this drinking session to echo loudly. Although beyond cosy, the chapel pews are cramped making group rounds of shots somewhat impossible. A bleak reminder of the inhumanity of the Victorian penal system, maybe just skip this part of the night and head to the library toilets. Or just bring some Corona’s to your mate’s flat.
Honourable mentions have to go to the array of dodgy alleyways scattered along the high street, the Tourist Information Centre opposite the cathedral and finally Steep Hill to maybe, no definitely, avoid if you’re having pre-drinks.
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